Are you treating your passwords like Underwear?

Really nothing like underwear!

I am perplexed

Saw this meme or poster that I found on Facebook has me thinking about password security.   What is good way to tell people about Password security?  Is it as simple as this poster says?  We could use some really bad passwords over and over again!  Let’s explore the really good questions of this.   I’ll talk about what might be very well help with your password security.  Although these are just a few that stick out in my mind but they do help create a strong password.   I know I’ve talked about some of these in the past but sometimes it is good to talk about them again.

Password Manager

Now a days if you don’t have a good password manager than you are really not keeping your passwords safe.   Like the poster says we usually write down our passwords on a piece of paper on  the desk.   Instead we should securely put them in a vault somewhere.   Should we use something like Google to hold our passwords?   That’s a good start.   I’d be willing to bet they do a really good job of it.  I personally love Lastpass and have used it for years and years.   Even though there is a lot of balancing acts with a password manager and your lifestyle.   It can be helpful to keep your passwords safe and away from prying eyes.

Keep away from easy passwords

Easy guessable passwords will make you loose your accounts quicker than anything.   So keep away from those weak passwords and passwords that anyone can guess.  I did talk about those in the past about the top ten passwords that people use and you can bet most hackers will use them to try to get into yours or other accounts.   Using a good password manager plus letting them create a hard password is essential to keeping your accounts safe from hackers.

Two factor Authentication

I’ve always said having two factor authentication can also help you prevent your account from being hacked.   It will prevent a hacker from getting instant access to your account and even warn you that you’ve been hacked.   You can use something like YubiKey but since most of us have cell phones than I just use sms for verification.  I’ve even recommend Google Authentication for this purpose.   It is almost like a one time password and can save you money in the long run!

Don’t use same passwords

I have talked about this in the past also, but you should never use the same password twice on any of your really important websites like banking or electricity websites.  You can keep up to date on if you need to change your passwords by checking Have I been pwned website and seeing if you might need to change your password.   It’s never a bad idea to go and check every year to see if you need to change them.

If you are like me, you are constantly trying to keep your passwords safe and secure.   Do you have any recommendations or suggestions.   Why not leave a comment?  I’d love for you to share and talk about how you keep yourself safe.