Install Windows 11
It’s not as easy as it seems. Ever since Microsoft has told us what the requirements will be for Windows 11, there will be more than that for you to use Windows 11. Some of the issues some users are having is going from non-secure boot to changing the partition to secure boot. The problems associated has been far a wide for the people who are in the Preview program. So what do you really need to do to install Windows 11. I am will talk about some of the things you will probably need to do to get it to work on your system.
Gigabyte Motherboards
I currently have a B460M DS3H AC and finding Secure boot for my motherboard isn’t as easy as it seems. I had to first update my bios from factory default to the latest. You can download the bios for this motherboard and flash the motherboard with the latest bios updates. It seems the latest bios F5B bios update has secure boot automatically enabled but for those who do not want to update their bios to the latest version. In order to get secure to work on your motherboard you have to go to Advanced settings > Boot Menu. Once there, you will need to scroll down to CSM and I needed to disable that to get secure boot to work. Once that is down you can now have access to secure boot.
Converting your Partition
If you are like me have a MBR(Master Boot Record) partition than you will need to convert to GPT(GUID Partition Table) partition, in order to be able to run in secure boot. There is a tool that can do that for you call MBR2GPT offered by Microsoft to be able to convert your partition to GPT. Once you do this, than you can enable secure boot and have it ready for Windows 11. Since we are talking about the preview build and not the actual build I can only sumeize that it will be required with Windows 11 when it is finally active. It will be a long and hard process for many because there are several reasons why someone won’t want to go to GPT partition. I haven’t decided if I will or not but I wanted to show you how to install Windows 11 preview if you are one of those who wanted to try Windows 11 but didn’t have the necessary system setup the right to be able to install it.
Still not Compatible

If you are still having problems figuring out why you can’t install Windows. There is a Great little tool that will tell you what you have or don’t have enabled or what hardware you are missing to be able to install Windows 11 and what you might need to do to get all the requirements for Windows 11. In the end, this will at least help those who want to install Windows 11. I’m still not sure if I will but at least you can now know what you need to do to be able to install Windows 11.