All over priced GPU’s
Well you can see that there are several different types of people who are trying to sell cards. Those who get them out right and buy them and then turn around and sell them on sites like this for even more money. I really can’t blame people for doing this after all the demand is high for really good Graphics cards. The problem right now is the crypto miners are using them to get bitcoins and even dogecoins. It is a constant problem because of how much people can make with mining rigs to get bitcoins or even dogecoins. Although right now the Bitcoin, and other crypto miner coins are dropping in value rather fast, we really don’t know if it will keep going down or go even higher in the future.
Nvidia Announced Low Hash Rates
A few weeks ago, Nvidia announce the LHR Graphics cards that is being made in the future. The low hash rates will go into effect when the gpu thinks it will is being used to mine and will drop the hash rates to half to discourage miners from buying gpus to crypto mine for coins from all the most common miners. There are some really big problems ahead for those who might want to bit mine. So now that they made this announcement what is the likelihood that they find a way to get around this bitcoin limiter?
Will it work?
Many people wonder that, and I am also really curious about it. I can only surmise what it will likely be like and we can then go ahead and see when the finally release it. I am hopeful that it will be hardware locked, meaning that no one can change with any possible way. This should make the miners go somewhere to get their hardware. I have heard of miners trying to unlock this feature but I think I’ve heard it because of the firmware updates. This isn’t a hardware but a software lock and those can easily be hacked and changed. Hardware locks are those that are not able to be modified or changed and thus should make it far less likely for the miners to even try to use them for their mining rigs.
Will it make any difference in gaming?
This part is also something I really don’t know much about but Nvidia has said that it will not make any difference in speed and use of the GPU for gaming since most of them don’t use hashes to run games and when it does is just to check a file is correct and that is far and few between. I can surmise that if it does make a difference it will be so slight and not even hardly be seen by the gamer. The frame rates and speed of the games I can’t see that creating any problems in the game play.
When will it be released?
It is due to happen sometime at the end of this month or at the beginning of next month. Don’t expect too much to happen at first launch and I don’t know what the prices will be. I’ve been looking all around to see when they will start selling but Amazon, NewEgg, and Even other stores around the internet have yet to show any signs of selling those cards yet. You’ll know when you see the box, I am sure it will say something like low hash rates or will have the LHR on the box somewhere to make sure to let the crypto miners know that it isn’t something they may want. This is just one of those steps we will have to watch and see how that will evolve in the future because I am sure the crypto miners are going to try to find way to get past the hash limiter and make it to where it will work just like normal.
Will you use it?
Now here’s the ultimate question, will you use it when it get released just to because you’ve been waiting for that GPU to put in the system you’ve built or are you going to just wait and see what people say about it? Why not leave a comment and tell me what you think will happen and is this a good idea or a bad idea?