Photo by mohamed_hassan from PxHere
Time to use my DVD collection
I’ve got a really big DVD collection that I want to be able to use when I want to use them.  I’ll tell you when we were at home for those two months, I should of done that then in 2020 but I didn’t think about it until now.  However that doesn’t mean it is to late to do it. I have a plan for the my Steam Deck and this will allow me to do that. Although gaming streaming and video streaming are two different beasts it still has some of the princples that you might not think of.  You will still need to stream through wifi or wired if you are trying to get the best quality.  My plan is to have my DVD’s available anywhere I go, so I even can play on my phone if I wanted to.  I’ve found this awesome streaming service that will do just that on the Steam Deck and any other device.  I’ve installed and created a server for myself.  I’ve got this old NAS (Network attached storage) that hasn’t been used very much.  I’ve been upgrading it lately for just this occasion.  I want to put all my DVD’s and Music on their to listen to or use as I wish. You can buy a NAS for really small amount of money and add storage as you see fit.
What’s the Purpose
The Truth of the matter is, because I can and it can help with not paying for streamin services as much. I can be more selective of which services I want to subscribe to and save money in the long run.  I can also buy cheap DVD’s and copy them onto my NAS with realtivity easy process.  The really hard part is the CopyProtection that the big names do to prevent you from do just this.  The problem is that we own these DVD’s and we have the right do what we want with them. Also there a movies that I want to watch that aren’t either on the streaming service or would need to buy another subscription to another service. There’s to many services and with the prices going up and I have this NAS hardly being used it should be used more.
Understanding the Basics
We’ll not going to talk about the ethics as much as you want but if you are curious how to do it, you can watch this video and learn something.  I’ll talk a little bit about the copy protection that can be hard to circumvent but can be if you really want to own your media.  The problem is that not all this works with but can be useful to understand.  The copy protection of DVD’s has been something that has plagued mankind since the dawn of the DVD.  They deserve their money for the making the movies and films. Even TV shows should get what is owed to them but that doesn’t mean people haven’t pirated them around the world through other means.
Copy Protection Software
Here’s where it gets a little bit more interesting to some because if you are like me and have some movies in either DVD or Bluray. You’re going to need these software to do what is necessary to get to the information you might need. I’ll say this much, use as your own risk or own use. I will not be responsible for anything that might happen.
- DVD Decrypter –
- DVD HD Decrypter –
- DVD Shrink –
I’ll say this I’ve only used DVD Decrypter right now because it works with all that I needed but the others look promising and I will try them out later. It’s up to you on which one you will want to use to decrypt those DRM heavy DVD’s or Blurays.  I think it all depends on which one will work for you and how you like to use them . Each one has their own unique way of getting the files needed to copy the main movie file.  So it just depends on what you are looking to do.
Are you planning to do this? What do you think it will be like when you watch movies on the Steam Deck? I plan to try it out on the steam deck and see how well does the only thing that is problem right now is that you need to buy the server software either monthly or lifetime to do it. I am going to look into buying the Lifetime because I am really curious as to how well this will work outside of my house.  I also might buy a little Pi board and use that as my server because I can use less energy that way instead of using my tower to do the serving of the movies. What’s your plans for yoru steam deck? I’d love to hear your plans on what you want to do with yours.