World Net Daily published an Article that really made me think.
What would you do with your website if we had no Electricity? That is a valid question? Would it pay for itself or would you loost your domain and all because you couldn’t pay the website bill because you had no way to pay? Just like Discovery, Mastercard, and Visa credit cards would become useless because there would be no way to use them in today’s technology.
[ad#cricket-right-ez]If we had a Electromagnet Pulse explode over your country, there would be no clean water, no gas, no electricity, and you’d have to walk everywhere.  Plus this would cause industry to screech to a halt.  There would be no more food coming in for stores or packages being delivered.
It represents what MacGyver the show once talked about crippling the entire city. The episode was Called “Easy Target” and was produced in 1989 quite a few years ago but still shows just how people have been talking about this for quite some time.
This all stems for the Doomsday Scenario, in which we all would have to struggle to live for several months or over a year. Do you think you could survive that? I ask these questions to make people think and come up with your own answers. I’m going to buy the book and read it just because it is though provoking!!