I got an Email that shows that people are giving out there twitter accounts password for a Free Mac book air. I did a Search for cooltweeting.com and well you take a look.
The Site Cooltweeting.com looks to be a phishing for your information by wanting you to do this:
[ad]As you can see this looks pretty simple and some users would think this is true. I do wonder how I am going to receive email from them if they don’t have my email in the first place? You have to read the fine print on this one here I will make it bigger:
You agree to receive emails from trusted 3rd parties containing special offers and promotional emails.
Powered by BrandGivewayCentre.com. BrandGivewayCentre.com is an independent rewards program and not associated with any of the above listed merchants or brands. The above listed merchants or brands in no way endorse or sponsor BrandGivewayCentre.com’s offer and are not
liable for any alleged or actual claims related to this offer. The above listed trademarks and service marks are the marks of their respective owners. BrandGivewayCentre.com is solely responsible for all Gift fulfillment. In order to receive your gift you must: (1) Meet the eligibility requirements (2) complete the rewards bonus survey (3) complete the number of sponsor offers in the redemption instructions
(4) Follow redemption instructions.
As you can see you will have to complete a number of offers to get this macbook.  I also check out the source page for this so called page and here is what I find:
Now we see there is a a file on the server called “viraltweets.php” which we can’t access because it is a protected file and even though they say they don’t store this that doesn’t mean they don’t grab your email address and other personal information while they send this tweet out.  afterall if you read the fine print, you agree to recieve emails from third parties? which begs the questions how do they get your email and other information? They will get it through your twitter account.    As we know the from time to time it isn’t always a good idea to give out your twitter password because it can be easily abused.  This is definately just spam. If you do use this page you will probably start getting even more email spam.  They obviously have a way to unsubscribe but that usually is used to just confirm you have an email address.   I will let you decide if it is worth a macbook or not but you’ll probably have to pay 2 times as much in offers just to get the macbook in the first place.