The Conficker Work Group has been busy the last few days compiling data of where the [intlink id=”3240″ type=”post”]Conficker Worm[/intlink] is in the world. I am just showing one of the many pictures they have compiled.
Now I must say this isn’t entirely accurate, but it gives a good impression of how many computers in the US have been infected and still need to be removed.  Giving that most of these are business that haven’t updated there Windows Machines, this isn’t surprising. So I am guessing that if this map is close to what we expected, some of the companies didn’t do anything about[intlink id=”3214″ type=”post”] Conifcker during the hype[/intlink].
That being said, I would like people to answer this question? Has any technicians had to disinfect systems that had the conficker worm? Are you seeing a rise in repairs, in regards to conficker related problems?
I was look around there website, the Conficker Work Group, and I stumbled on a really good resource. It is called Conficker Eye Chart. If certain images don’t load then you might be infected.  If you want to find out if your infected go check the chart out for yourself.
The Group also has a great list of tools to remove the Conficker Worm.   Although, I have been saying for the past week that the best way to prevent from getting infected is having [intlink id=”2205″ type=”page”]Anti-virus, and Firewalls[/intlink]. You will also need to remember that only you can prevent from getting a computer virus or worm, you’re the last line of defense!!