Google Affiliate Network Summit 045 (Photo credit: Affiliate)
There’s More than one way to skin a cat!
When all said is done, you have a big selection of affiliate networks that you can choose from. You might even wonder which affiliate network is the best for your situation. In this blog post, we will talk about some of the things that you can do to choose which one might be the best for your situation. Not all Affiliate networks will be the same but this will at least let you understand which ones are right for you.
An affiliate network acts as an intermediary between publishers (affiliates) and merchant affiliate programs. It allows website publishers to more easily find and participate in affiliate programs which are suitable for their website (and thus generate income from those programs)
Finding what works for you!
There are so many different networks you can use that you may have trouble knowing which one will work for you. I will say before we go on that I do not know every single affiliate network but I have tried all the major affiliate networks and I will give you my opinions on each of them.
Google Affiliate Network — I’ve been using this network from the get go, I will say that I’ve had some modest luck with this network. I’ve made some money with network because of Glasses USA (Affiliate link). I’ve always got paid for my commissions and they do actually care about your website and helping you get your commissions.
Commission Junction — I’ve tried this network and gotten some commissions from this network but it hasn’t really been a good relationship for me. I didn’t really feel like they had my own website in mind. I had to apply for all the merchants and never really had any luck with merchants wanting to have their advertising on my site.
Linkshare — Another good network that I didn’t have any luck with. I know they have a wide variety of things that might be good for you but I really didn’t find anything that fit well with my website. It always seemed to be more about page views then commissions. They would always be someone wanting to be on my site that was unrelated to my blog. I really didn’t feel that was a good fit for my website.
Linkconnector — I recently signed up to find out which programs they have on this site. I haven’t been on their long and have already been offered to be part of merchants that are unrelated to my blog again. These sites that were offered are nice for blogs or advertisers who is related in one way or another. I bet these guys don’t even check the website they are offering to.
Malware Advertising is something that I have come to understand just a little more and thus it is always going to be a problem for the affiliate networks because someone will come along and offer a service but are rarely understood because of the nature of advertising. I am not saying that every time you sign up for a new advertiser that you are going always going to have one when you sign up but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t at least do your research before you start using their ads. I’ve been happy with my selection of using Google Affiliate networks but I would love to hear which ones you use and why. Just leave a comment and tell me and others who you recommend.
Paul Sylvester
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