Cell Phone Apps
I remember when we had these bulky cell phones and couldn’t do much with them but make phone calls.  Those were the days, but today we are going to talk about mobile applications and how they helped changed where were and and we are going.  I don’t say that lightly when I say it changed how we get to a place, I literally mean that.  Most people will not stop and ask for directions at a gas station or some dinner when they are traveling in a car to an unknown place or unknown route. There were times when I felt a little foolish to ask someone for directions to a certain place in town because I didn’t have a map or know the lay out of the town or city that I’m in.  Let’s face it, how many have asked another human being for directions the past 10 years? I’d wager very few or maybe none.  In the past decade we’ve become dependant on our smart cell phones. Especially since, we can just say “Hey Google take me to [address]” or ask Siri what’s good restaurants there are in the area.  I dare not stop at that because we can do so much with our voice but l won’t talk to much about it.
In the early days when this first 2012 it wasn’t very popular.  I say that because it wasn’t really integrated into the google but it was being used for searches for words and phrases.  You could tap a button and say what you’re looking for. It slowly got better as it had developers wanting to modify the program to allow it to learn our voice structure.  They even came up with ways to learn our speech patterns and how we say certain words to be able to pick it up and understand what we want.  Let’s face it, 20 years ago when you were watching Deep Space Nine or even Star Trek The Next Generation, and you heard someone say “Computer” on the show.  You really didn’t think they would happen in real life.
Now we never realized, that something from a show becomes reality.  I know several times where asking Google a question got my answers.  I want to share with you some of my favorite questions to ask Google. You could even lock your cell phone with voice command.
Ok Google!
- Who’s on first? What’s on Second?
- What’s the weather like today?
- Do I have any important Emails?
- Do I need an umbrella today?
- Show me my calendar.
- Take me to a [Place]
- Call Someone or say Dial a Number
- Tell me about Siri
- Read me a Poem
- Set Phaser to Kill
- Sudo make me a sandwich
I’d dare say we’re more productive but it has enhanced my life because I can do more and know more stuff at my fingertips just by asking Google or saying what I need to do.  I’ll say that this was something we never really expected several years ago and thus we have went a long way.  I’d like to see what else technology has to offer us in the future. I’ve always recommend people explore what your smartphone can do now and have fun asking Google or even siri strange questions. You just might surprised what they say.