I just read this blog post Phishing attacks on Facebook users point to efforts to mine login data for profit. After reading one of the suggestions on how to create a good password and I’ll quote:
< [ad]blockquote>1. Use complex passwords and unique ones for each site. My method? Pick one string of letters and numbers and then add the first letter from the website’s name. For example: if my password “string” were “abc123$” then my Facebook password would be “Fabc123$”.
Now I can see where this can be used to figure the password? If people use this method they would still be able to figure it out over time.  Let’s say you use the same sequence of numbers and letters after each site you go to. This would make it much easier for a hacker to figure out the other passwords.
I will keep saying this time and time again, remembering passwords for me is the past. I’ve been using [intlink id=”2646″ type=”post”]Roboform[/intlink] for the past few months and haven’t had any problems. I’ve also have them backed up to Mozy to help protect my passwords. As long as you back them up with Mozy and Keep save a copy of it off your hard drive you will be much safer than trying to remember a good password.
If you would like to find ways to help backup your passwords or your valuable information please [intlink id=”3171″ type=”post”]check this out[/intlink].
Remember your Roboform passwords are stored at :
C:\Users\(your username)\Documents\My RoboForm Data\Default Profile (Windows Vista and Windows 7).
C:\documents and settings\(your username)\My Documents\My RoboForm Data\Default Profile (Windows XP).
Although Norton’s suggestions does help keep your a little more safer this can be easily used to brute force attacks because they probably have tried letters from the website just because they do think about these things. You should always have a really good password and [intlink id=”2646″ type=”post”]Roboform[/intlink] can do that for you and keep it safe.