I went exploring and found some sites that are linked back to each other and here are a few sites that have the same “[intlink id=”3607″ type=”post”]Personal Antivirus[/intlink]” scareware that do the same thing. These are all just waiting to be used for the purpose of selling you the fake stuff.
Sites that are on this IP BLOCK ( and are exactly the same:
- [intlink id=”3607″ type=”post”]purchuasebestsoftwareonline.com
- buypremiumsubscription.com
- ieprotectionlist.com[/intlink]
[ad]Sites with the Site advisers are:
- [intlink id=”3607″ type=”post”]ieprotectionlist.com[/intlink]
- networksecurityadvice.com
- [intlink id=”3913″ type=”post”]browsersecurityinfo.com[/intlink]
- [intlink id=”3872″ type=”post”]securitybrowseradviser.com[/intlink]
And are all active and just waiting to start selling this fake scare at moments notice each one looks like either have or will be used in the future to host the content waiting for people to buy this fake product. You should check out the other articles in this series and be ready for them when they become active.
It is time to install some [intlink id=”2205″ type=”page”]real Antivirus Software[/intlink] and get these fakes off your system if your infected if not it is still a good idea to have them installed.   I would recommend [intlink id=”3884″ type=”post”]SUPERAntiSpyware[/intlink] to help get rid of these infections if you have them or Keep yoru system from getting these infections.