In response to the Mind Of Root Podcast, I’ve decided to add my own comments. I think Keith had a brilliant idea and wanted to add my answers to this. So Here goes:
How old were you when you started using computers?
I was around 9 or 10 when I started using a TI-994A!
As you can see this was very fun to use because of the fact that you had to use cartridges to play games on. I thoroughly enjoyed it.  I like some of the programs in basic and Basica before Dos came around. I learned so much from the system. You could create the complex programs and save them to a tape. It was before the 3 1/2 floppy. It was hard work to make these programs but I loved every part of it.
What was your first machine?
This goes back to the first question. My first Machine was the Ti-994a. You could have game cartridges and such, I loved that little machine. I would come home from school and program , play with the System or taking it apart. I enjoyed it so much I still like to use my basic emulation to program!! I’ve got so many fond memories of the system and to this day will always enjoy it.
What was the first real script you wrote?
My first script was in the Ti-994a basic and it was designed to Mimic the human speech pattern. With my system I had a tape recorder I could use to save the data to keep programming with it. It was not the best program but I learned so much with the programming experience.
What scripting languages have you used?
The scripting languages that I’ve have used are Pascal, Basica, QBasic, Basic, C++, and DOS scripting with the Win-Get program. It is designed to get programs and install automatically without a user. It’s good for when you have a new system that you need to install a several programs that you’ve decided are the best.
What was your first professional sysadmin gig?
My professional gig, isn’t one that most people consider when they get into this field. I work from my house on the side to repair computers for anyone who needs it. My daytime job isn’t even in this type of the IT field but sooner or later someone will see my talent and will hire me or I will start making so much money from home. I’ll be able to quit my daytime job.
If you knew then what you know now, would have started in IT?
That is a hard question to answer because I knew what I was getting into when I started my home business. I think I’d have to say I would still be doing what I’ve have done and what I will do. I love working on computers and finding all this problems that you would never expect or want. I love trying to figure out what most people have the hardest time figuring out. I will always enjoy seeing what comes out of my work.
If there is one thing you learned along the way that you would tell new sysadmins, what would it be?
Not all people are understanding of the IT field. We need to give them a lot of leeway as to prevent ourselves from getting to much stress and embarrassment. It is well known that people become angry with the IT field because they don’t understand it. They will lash out at us because they do not know any better. All I have to say to the anyone wanting to get into the IT Field IS: “Customers aren’t always right but we aren’t always right either.” You have to work with your customers to prevent confusion for that one reason.
What’s the most fun you’ve ever had scripting?
The most fun I’ve had with scripting is in the old days with Basic making a pac-man clone with basic. It wasn’t the best but I sure did enjoy the challenge of coding it. I didn’t do anything like Keith did with is coding. I do like to have fun with basic and it’s still my favorite because it is so simple and easy to use.   It all depends on what you have need of but I will always like basic and how much I’ve have learned from it.