Twitter Spam for Cari-weightloss

I was doing my usual checking out what people are talking about and I see,, and

Going to the Pages I see:


I already once talked about the [intlink id=”3638″ type=”post”]Acai Berry Twitter spam[/intlink], but this talks about another product that is part of the Plan call “ColonCure” which if you look into they have had some complaints about them.   I even found more from the Rip-off Report’s, talking about taking the money out of your account.  There are two links in this page that point go to these products.  They both come from the domain, which I must warn you is not associated with  I did more research on Acai Berry but I will let you read what people have to say about that.


[ad]Each of those sites have a clause where they have not be evaluated by the FDA(Food and Drug Administration).   Also they either say out right that you will have to pay for shipping or don’t say at all.   If anything says anything about these companies until they have been tested by the FDA, I would recommend people not try these products because of the possible side effects or complications that may result in the combination of the two drugs.  I’m not a doctor but I can tell there is something fishy with at least on product and if I find one there will usually be more.


I have done more research and I am seeing most of these accounts only have 1 or two tweets, which means they are just bots.   I also see others who don’t do there research because they want to think this will be a quick fix for weight loss.   There are some that makes me think they might of been hacked or got their password stolen.   I would message the person asking if they really put that comment up?  If they didn’t I would recommend them changing there password!!  If I find out more I’ll let you know!!



Looks like this is hacked accounts.   If you see someone sending this out send them to my site so they know all about this.  If it is your account you should change your password as soon as possible and go back and delete those links from your twitter account.

Twitter and the Acai Berry Spammers

Well According to Sopho’s There seems to have been some hacking going on for the Acai Berry spam. Some of the messages were:

acaiberrytwitterspam1It seems to be a random http://random.CN domain but we’ve talked about this in the past.  Sopho’s isn’t sure how this happen but I have a suspicion that it was a Phishing attack done on the facebook users recent weeks that have the hackers going to other social sites and trying those passwords.

[ad]Although I agree with Sopho’s on making sure not to have a dictionary word, I also think users should take care of all your online accounts.   As most people will become aware of is most users use only one password for all their accounts online or only have 3 different passwords for 20 different sites.  This is something that needs to change and you can do that with [intlink id=”2646″ type=”post”]Roboform[/intlink] to keep your passwords safe and also to make sure they can’t guessed.

If you have been compromised on t witter and only use one password, you can bet all you other accounts have been compromised as well.  You should change your passwords as soon as possible.   You should also make sure in the future not to be tricked into giving out your password which is called Phishing, in which a site with a different url is made to look like Twitter, Facebook, and Myspace log in page.