iPhone Firmware 1.1.1 Is Out, Now Testing for Unlocked iPhones Bricking

Just released, ready in your iTunes. This update includes the iTunes Wireless Store, but if you have an unlocked iPhone, be aware that this firmware may make your iPhone unusable. We are testing it right now. Come back here for live updates. [Last update 2:51PM. Live updates after the jump. Complete new feature list, security bugs and Apple Security note added. ]


I wonder how long it will be before someone gets around the update? I give it a day!

Happy Birthday Graig Crossman and Thank you

Last night I email Craig to say Happy Birthday and he was giving away presents to all his loyal listeners so I ask him to send me something. I do not know what but I’d be willing to guess it’s the Keyboard and Mouse! 😉 He didn’t give it away to anyone last night. 😉 I do so hope so it would make a nice thing for me to use with this laptop so I can make my own base station. 🙂


I do know that he said one the second hour around 3 mins into it that a podcast listener wanted something and it was a gentle man so I am guessing that is me!! 😉

Five ways Linux is better than Vista

A user or sysadmin posts about problems with a brand new Vista PC on a support forum. Within minutes, a “helpful” soul suggests a fix: “Install Linux!”

Enthusiasts have always touted Linux as the best operating system, and they’ve become more strident and shrill since Vista’s launch. Despite Microsoft’s optimistic predictions and fervent proselytising, Vista has received a chilly reception in the marketplace.


Yes someone actually thinks Linux is better than Vista. Oh I think Windows is losing battles with itself.

Find Out If Your Computer Is Secretly Connecting to the Web

If you are trying to track down why your computer is running so slooowwwly, try using this simple DOS command from Digital Inspiration to uncover a possible problem:

* Type cmd in your Windows Run box.
* Type “netstat -b 5 > activity.txt” and press enter.
* After say 2 minutes, press Ctrl+C.
* Type “activity.txt” on the command line to open the log file in notepad (or your default text editor)


If you ever wondered if someone is on your system you can find out by doing this!