Scareware Adviser from


So the first question is how do I know this is a fake site warning. Well I did my research I went to and check to see if my URL was being blocked. I also clicked the link to see what this link went “Activate my Web protection software”.

[ad]This site now matter how real looking is a URL Hijacker and is what we call a scareware Sponsor for [intlink id=”3607″ type=”post”]Personal Antivirus Scareware Site[/intlink] and if your getting this screen it is time to get get Rid of it.   You can check out the others like [intlink id=”3872″ type=”post”][/intlink] it is exactly the same.

These sites gets installed in unsuspecting computers by way of exploits, backdoors, Trojans, or unsafe downloading practices. This usually means that if you have it you should remove it by any means necessary because this software has been know to cause more and more trouble as time goes by. This software is fake ware, it tries to tell you have a virus and that they can get rid of it. In fact, this software is not designed with Antivirus engine in it but to illicit pop ups and warning to raise the users security concerns about the computer in question. Downloading programs from bit torrents or other unsafe ways can and most likely will have these types of programs installed alongside the program you wanted.

Threat to System : Critical




List of Fake Antivirus Sites for Aug 27, 2009


[ad#Google Adlinks]

It seems they are not doing alot today but I will update when necessary.

[intlink id=”3607″ type=”post”]Personal Antivirus Scareware Sites[/intlink]:


[intlink id=”4217″ type=”post”]Internet Antivirus Pro Scareware[/intlink]


[intlink id=”3977″ type=”post”]Rogue Antivirus scareware sites[/intlink]:






Even More List of malware Sites for Aug 26, 2009

Internet Antivirus ProLooks Like the Malware authors have been a little more busier then normal,  So I had to make a new post about this because of the list.   Check out [intlink id=”4308″ type=”post”]my other list[/intlink] for more domains.

[ad][intlink id=”3607″ type=”post”]Personal Antivirus Scareware Sites[/intlink]:


[intlink id=”4217″ type=”post”]Internet Antivirus Pro Scareware[/intlink] sites:


[intlink id=”3977″ type=”post”]Rogue Antivirus scareware sites[/intlink]:






List of Malware sites for Aug 26, 2009


This is going to be a small list the Malware writers didn’t do alot today but if something develops I will add it on this blog.

[ad][intlink id=”3607″ type=”post”]Personal Antivirus Scareware Site[/intlink]:


[intlink id=”4217″ type=”post”]Internet Antivirus Pro Scareware[/intlink]:


[intlink id=”3977″ type=”post”]Rogue Antivirus scareware sites[/intlink]:






AVG 8.5 Free Version Best on my system

AVG Free 8.5

Pcworld has a released there top free Antivirus software picks.     Now let’s be clear on this, I am an a average user, and have tested these products out on my own laptop plus others and here is what I find.

According to Pcworld, Avira Antivir Personal is the top pick and claims to block 98.9 percent of samples:

Such less-than-friendly default behaviors make Avira AntiVir Personal a better choice for tech-savvy users who know how to muck about in the settings. If you’re willing to put up with a somewhat clumsy interface and the recurring pop-up ads, in return you’ll enjoy top-notch, free protection against malware. It’s not a bad trade-off by any means.

[Via Pcworld : Avira Antivir Personal Antivirus]

[ad]Now with Pcworld saying it isn’t a bad trade-off to have the Pop-ups and the default behaviors of this program, it doesn’t make me want to use this program since I am a gamer and the pop-ups would interfere with playing online games, not to mention if your not that tech savy person you’d have a lot of head scratching to  figure out this program.

Then we go to the Second pick and Avast Antivirus Home in this pick Pcworld claims to blocking 98.2 percent of samples tried with this program:

Avast Antivirus will do a decent job protecting a PC from malware, but if you’re willing to put up with a less-than-perfect interface (and some ads), you’re better off going with Avira’s top-notch blocking.

[Via Pcworld : Avast Antivirus Home Edition]

Now unless you want to be scratching your head on this product you have to go through the Tutorial that pop-ups after installation to walk you through how to use this product.   Then there are some more ads that popup during the day that reminds you that this is a free program and suggesting you pay for it.   Also you will have to register with Avast  to get a personal free license to be able to keep this program running on your system.  The interface of this Antivirus makes you think you will be playing music, which can cause some confusion when it comes to understanding this product.

Third place was AVG 8.5 Free edition according to PcWorld.   With there being no pop-ups reminding me this is a free product.   Also the easy to understand interface also makes this very user friendly.   I also like the Linkscanner and blocked 95.8 percent of the samples meaning it is still rather good to use for the daily user who wants a less intrusive  pop-ups or ads.   AVG has not yet done a pop up with me but it is far less annoying than the others because of the interface and the ads that are shown in the main program.

Now if you want to add even more security to your system and keep it cheap as possible I would suggest Downloading and using  SUPERAntiSpyware and Malwarebytes.  These with AVG 8.5 Free edition to better protect your system and these don’t interfere with AVG and actually helps boosts the removal of virus, Trojans, and Malware.

Download Malwarebytes Download Malwarebytes

Download SUPERAntiSpyware Download SUPERAntiSpyware

If your current antimalware software let an infection through, you may want to consider purchasing the PRO version of SUPERAntiSpyware or Malwarebytes License to protect your computer in the future. SUPERAntiSpyware Professional or Malwarebytes License features highly advanced Real-Time Protection to ensure protection from installation or re-installation of potential threats as you surf the Internet (Both are trusted Vendors by CCSS Forums).

Buy Lifetime Subscription SUPERAntiSpyware For $30, save $8.90 if you order now. This is a special offer from this website.