I’ve been doing something different in Twitter and I would like to talk about it.  I have learned so much today it and yet after the end of the day I’ve gotten even more followers.  I’ve gained over 123 so far today alone and I want to share with you some ways to increase your followers.
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- Provide Great Value — This one I learned today finding some great articles and retweeting the good articles. This is essential Twitter tactics.  If you don’t do this your just going to be keep who you have and not grow.
- Be Funny — Don’t be funny just to be a class clown, that will draw followers but it can also hinder your likely hood of engaging in good conversation.  Twitter is a stream of Conversations that doesn’t do well with constant funniness and if your always being the class clown, you will have a hard time keeping a conversation.  Now that being said it doesn’t mean to not be funny but to be funny in your way. People like to laugh people are drawn to people who want to communicate about the topics at hand.
- Ask Others question — This is important because if you ask people question that means you want to start a dialog and will grow to understand how people react.  Sometimes it is good just to ask something provocative and see what your followers have to say about it. This gives your followers a chance to feel like they are important and gives you a chance to learn something new today.
- Retweet Other’s People stuff — This is sometimes the most obvious but if you retweet others stuff they will reciprocate and thank you. In turn their followers will see what you did and maybe want to start receiving your updates. All you have to do is add “RT @Username” and then the message. This makes those users feel important and helps provide great value to others.
- Answer people questions — Just like asking if you know something that will provide value to a user this will get them to notice you and follow you.  I have some search terms up and running in Tweetdeck in case someone tweets something that I can answer. This will provide those followers who are interested in stuff you are interested in. Also it helps create a connection with that user and also opens up a dialog for even more great stuff.
This isn’t even hitting the mark but is a good starting point.  Now I want to talk about some good tools to help you manage your newly joined followers.  These tools will help trim and help you find those who might be of interest to you:
- Huitter — Is good for following everyone or unfollowing those who aren’t following you back. You can also unfollow all if you like.  This is good for those accounts that aren’t following you back or if you have a bunch of people who are following you and you don’t have time to go through and follow them manually. This little tool will help automate the follow process for you.
- FriendOrFollow — This is good to sort through the number of followers who you aren’t followering. This little will show the number of Fans, Friends and Followers. You can use this to find those inactive accounts by sorting through there last tweet.  You can also figure out who you want to follower or who your want to unfollow.  There are so many good uses for this that you will just have to play with it to find all the good stuff.
- Mr. Tweet — This one is one of my favorites because it will find those recommendations based on your friends response to people in there group.  If you have someone who you talk to alot this will help you find out who else talks to this someone and gives you a chance to follow them. This will help you find relavant Twitter users to follow and gives you a chance to offer recommendations to your followers. This is great for the power user because it shows who has recommended who and why.  You can do so much with little tool.
- We Follow — This isn’t really a tool you can use but is one of those you should put your name in because it allows people to find other people who are interested in what they are interested. You only can put up 3 tags but this is really to allow people to find you so they can follow you.
I am sure someone else can come up with others but these tips and tools will help you develop those followers who have so much in common with your ways. If you follow these suggestions you will start to grow you Twitter account to even more. I am going to keep doing what I am have done today to see how fast this will grow my account but only time will tell.  If you like what you’ve seen hear please tell people about this post and encourage them to visit.