I’ll Explain Why Software filters will not work!

Wise Eyes

I recently found Covenant Eyes

Use Coupon Code paulstechtalk15 and save 15% off your order!I really wasn’t sure when I heard this service, if it would be a very useful way to keep children from seeing mature material on the internet.   After all, If a child wants to do something they will find ways to do it.   I did however want to touch base on a few observations on why this will never work with some of the kids.   It might work with your kids but probably not all kids!

At first glance!

We see that in order to use this software, as with a lot of other software base monitor services, you will need to install software on the computer(s), Tablet(s), and all Cell Phone(s) you currently have possession of all.  Which is all free as long as you have an account with them.   I do find their methods a little questionable and I understand why it would be rather difficult to uninstall some of this but it just worries me that it will either slow down my Android device(s) or break something.   It is after all another program that I have to keep running on my devices to monitor what my kids are doing on the internet.  

Ownership of the Device!

This can be a bit tricky and could cause major legal issues if you do it wrong or if you do not own the device in question.   After all, the teen may get it in his head to avoid being watched by his/her parents he can just buy a Virgin Mobile, or Straight Talk Phone and not have to install that particular software!  This is one major reason why it wouldn’t work buying this subscription. It just depends on what the law says in your area if you can force your teen who buys a phone to install this software on their phone.  

Probably Easily by passable!

You can easily prevent snooping by using a VPN like Vpn4all to prevent anyone from seeing what you do online.   I am sure like any other software based companies they are utilizing a server to grab all this stuff you are searching and surfing habits.   I am pretty sure just using a VPN on your tablet or even cell phone would prevent the logging and keep people from seeing what you do.   This hasn’t been tested but it does make a lot of sense because in order for any filtering software to report back to the main user it has to be able to see what you are typing and searching for but if it is encrypted, it shouldn’t be able to.   I do not know if they install their own Certificate Authority but it maybe a way they try to get all encrypted data.   Although if it is encrypted before it gets sent out to the CA, then it will still look unreadable.

On a laptop or desktop, it could be as easy buying a USB Drive and installing Kubuntu or Ubuntu as a live CD and Thus they can do all their exploring of the internet without being watched.   The only problem about this is that you as the main Admin would need to password locked your CMOS and prevent any loading of USB or CD drive in boot up.  You’ll have to figure that one out on your own.   Each CMOS is different and there for it is a complicated process!

Reseting a Device!

This can be the easiest way to get that monitoring software off the system in the first place.   I can easily do that with any Android device and you can do a hardware reset without any administration intervention!  You can basically do this to all Android and IOS devices with no help from the admin of the device.   So it really could be a pain to use these types of services for kids who are shall I say AT RISK to do the most exploring.  I’ve pretty much told you everything that could happen if a teen wanted to not be monitored by their guardians or parents.  

As I’ve stated in this post, it is to show how someone could do these things.   I hold no liability if someone uses this information to do what was talked about in this post.   This was a way to open people’s eyes on how it may or may not help your situation.   Each child is different and thus must be judged accordingly.



Reviewing VPN4ALL and why you should care!

They the people at VPN4ALL, gave me a trial service and I must say “I have been nothing but happy with the service for about the last few weeks”.  Some of the things I love about this is they actually have an app for your to use on your Android device.  So you don’t have to know any code, which goes back to to their slogan “VPN made easy”.  You know I’ve talked in the past about other VPNS, and securing your device.  It isn’t always that simple with free Wifi Hotspots.   I should know, I visit them almost constantly and that is because I am constantly on the move.  I have tried the free VPN’s and I must say this service is even better than you could get with any Free service.


This is the key reason I decided to use this service because I am constantly going place and using other free wifi hotspots and I know it is always going to be insecure because of connections.  I will say I always worry about who might see my password or see my personal information and try to take  my identity.  I will say with the ease of use with the VPN4ALL mobile app, I can connect to a VPN in minutes and not need to know any technical data.  You will need to buy an Mobile VPN4ALL Account to use this(minimum 5$ a month).  Great value for your buck and you don’t have to worry about all those people watching you.

Reliable Service

Speed and reliability are always going top of the security tree.  I will always need to have a service where there is no interruption and this seems to fit the bill quite nicely.  I can connect to any server I want and see if it is faster or slower.  I can also set it up to switch IP(internet Protocols) every Minute to hours, if I so desire.  Could give people headaches if they were trying to watch me!


If you are like me and looking to save money, use my coupon code “paulstechtalk15” at VPN4ALL to save 15% on either or both Mobile and regular VPN service.  See what else I have said about this service on my other post, If you want to keep your privacy, look no further!  Give this service a try and you won’t regret it!

If you want to keep your Privacy, look no further!


Privacy and the NSA!

When I first said something about NSA wiretaps the Internet, you probably thought I was joking.   Well, it looks to be a real issue now a days and that is a problem!  So we have heard about the NSA will consider any encryption being at risk, so they will be keeping those encrypted data for later inspections. Privacy is everything in my book and this is a continuing series for those who want to know how to protect their privacy from thief and criminals.   

Programs to protect your Privacy!

There are programs out there to help keep people from snooping on you.   Although it has gotten a lot easier because of Firesheep and most web sites now offer secure connections but not all.  This is where I suggest you use something like VPN4ALL and I’m not saying that because they paid me to say it.   I am saying this because they have become a sponsor for me for the whole year.  I get paid every time someone uses buys a subscription and they are affiliate links!   They’ve given me a free 1 year account and I really am impressed at how well they get around the library restrictions and that they are a OPENVPN provider.  There are others such as SecureVPN and CyberGhost VPN and even ProXPN VPN.  Each one has their merits and I have nothing against any of them.   I just have had a better experience with VPN4ALL and I think you will to.

Streaming Music and Videos

I’m no advocate for people getting around international borders to watch BBC and other such videos but you could if you wanted to and be able to watch Netflix and Hulu from outside the USA.  This is one of the many reasons I like this service because you don’t have to pay for watching a show that is being played over seas.   

Online Activity

Keep your online activity safe from prying eyes and people who are looking to cause trouble.  It isn’t going to be bulletproof but it will at least help with coffee shops and if you use it all the time at home also.   You don’t have to look over your shoulder as much, figuratively, and wonder who is see the insecure connection.

Mobile Devices!


Another reason, I love this service is that you can take your Tablet, like my Acer 200 to a free wifi hotspot and not worry because they even have a very good PPTP(Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) that allows you to use your device anywhere you may go and keep people from spying on you while you on an un-encrypted free wifi hotspot.   So you can sit back and watch or do what you want and no one will know or see your actions.  You can use this for Mobile Phones also but that is totally your call.   I use it strictly for my Acer 200!

30-day money-back guarantee

Although this has some conditions, and I will be honest with you it is really always a full refund.  You have to have use under 100 megabytes of data or have some other issue that has been document with a support ticket and usually they will refund your money but it is still a better way to go then not to have any privacy or risk your identity from being taken.   You owe it to yourself and others to protect your privacy and identity and give yourself and others peace of mind.  Give VPN4ALL a try and Save 15% with Coupon Code “savenow15”, and I am sure you will be as happy as I am when I’m at a insecure location.