Why Microsoft must abandon Vista to save itself

While Vista was originally touted by Microsoft as the operating system savior we’ve all been waiting for, it has turned out to be one of the biggest blunders in technology. With a host of issues that are inexcusable and features that are taken from the Mac OS X and Linux playbook, Microsoft has once again lost sight of what we really want.


I think Cnet has the right idea, go read the full article at Cnet, and then decide for yourself!!

20 Vista Downloads to Tweak & Improve Your System

Looking for software to get the most out of Windows Vista? As yet, there hasn’t been a flood of great downloads designed specifically for Microsoft’s latest operating system. But that didn’t stopped us from searching high and low for the best free Vista apps available–and we’ve come up with 20 real keepers.

For your convenience, we’ve arranged them into four categories: System Tweakers; Startup, Log-On, and Boot Tweakers; Vista Component Tweakers; and Miscellaneous Tools. So if you’ve got Vista and you’re longing to make it better, rev up your browser and start downloading.

System Tweakers

Want to bend practically every aspect of Vista to your will, from improving system performance to customizing the interface? Then try out the following six system tweakers. With them, you’ll be the master of your own private Vista universe.


I will have to check this out, some are paid programs but some are also free.