Fedora 9 Puts Your Desktop on a USB Drive

This week’s release of the Fedora 9 Linux distribution makes putting a full-fledged desktop on a portable USB thumb drive a three-click affair. Even better, you don’t need Linux installed to create it, you can leave the data on your thumb drive untouched, and any files you create or settings you tweak remain in place the next time you boot up. After the jump, let’s create a fully-functional desktop-to-go using a simple Windows program and a 1GB or larger thumb drive.

[Via Lifehacker]

I’ve got to try this, Has anyone else tried this and does it work for you?

CES-TPN-2008-01-05-6 Yoggie Security Systems Pentagon Level Security in a USB Stick

This is from the CES 2008. Todd Cochran, Interviews Yoggie Security Systems about there USB Security suite that protects your system and makes it Faster. Thanks Todd.

Yoggie Security Systems Pentagon Level Security in a USB Stick. What if I told you that you could remove all virus protection from your computer. Disable any firewals and replace all of that technology with a USB stick that would re-route your internet connection through the Gatekeeper Pico card and provide you the same level of protection.

Yoggie Security has a new device that they claim does just that. Their thought is you can remove all of the spyware, virus and firewall protection software and have a faster computer by protecting your computer with their USB
[Via Todd Cochran and Blip.tv]