Upgrading to Twitter Pro — ztrx.net Phishing attempt in the wild!!

I just got this alert from a friend of mine and I thought I would share it with you.  It looks like there is a new phishing attempt going on with websites try fool it’s users into going http://ztrx.net and From the looks of it. It looks like this:


[ad]The message some users got were:

Upgrade to Twitter Pro – Visit http://bit.ly/[CENSORED] to upgrade your account

It seems that if you get this message on your account you should report it to @Spam and let them know. If you happen to get given out your password it is strongly recommended that you reset your password to prevent any further unauthorize access to your accounts. You should change your password as soon as possible. This is the first attempt they have tried this this weekend so be on the look out for more phishing attempts.