3 Reason why Friendfeed is dying!!

So I been watching Friend Feed the last few days, I’ve seen Mark Trapp talking about trolling. I also seen Robert Scoble saying he finds this interesting, and I’ll quote Mark Trapps Post about it:



First Reason — So as you can see this is what people call page trolling! They try to get people to visit there page and get a page count. I say this is a FOUL, and you need to take a time out in the booth for doing this. I don’t want to see this getting on friend feed. I hope FF comes up with a way to let you put in keywords to ignore and such that would be so nice.

Second Reason — They have to make comments about blogger and Twitter. I don’t want to hear stuff about twitter and how they can blog this stuff up all day long!! It’s like the Gilmore Gang talking about getting a Hair Cut. This really needs to change and become a better feed then it has in the past. I will get flame comments or even flame mail but it’s the truth!!


Third and Final Robert Scoble talked about this in his post about advertising the Gilmore gang, I guess I did that in the last reason and You can see how this will result in people see that I am actually reading this stuff, so it is going to be the death of me in the long run!! I say we can’t get sucked into these type of post or comments. We need to become a better blogger and commenter on the feed to get people to see the post!! Trust me, if you make it they will come!!!

It’s up to all of us to make Friend Feed the best it can possibly be on the Internet. Let’s make Friend Feed the next Cloud Computing!!