Picking your Blog Theme : “My top Six Themes”

In the last few blog post we talked about:

When your visitors come to your site the first thing they see is your blog theme.   So I thought we would show you a few themes to make your site a little more nicer for your visitors.  You see if you can get them to come back your are more likely to get more readers.  So here are a few that I have played with that I have used in the past:


xPlosive Reloaded [ Demo ]


BlueSensation [ Demo ]


GreenTech [ Demo ] Download GreenTech with 2 Sidebars


Mandigo 1.41 [ Demo ]


WP Premiere Theme [ Demo ]


PassionDuo Theme (3 Colors) – Green: Demo | Download, Red: Demo | Download, Blue: Demo | Download

As you can see In most cases I wanted to have some place to advertise and I finally picked PassionDuo with the Blue background.  Why have advertising and affiliates on my website because a lot of time people will click your links and you will make a little money.    Webspace isn’t always free but with these themes at least I am making a little money for each person who clicks my adsvertising.   As you can see each of these have their good and bad it also is good to test them out and see which one you like.

So why worry about Theme’s?

Like I said before if you want to get your readers to come back you have to make it appealing to them and make it looks a little more professional.   As a blogger who wants to retain the readers, it is important to make it clean and sharp as possible.    It is also recommended that you make it easy to navigate, so any person coming to you site will be able to find the information they are looking for.  You should find a theme that also promotes your RSS feed easily and make it stand out.   This way they don’t have to look for the link to subscribe to your blog and thus makes them part of your family.

It is this hope that helps gives people a chance to come back.   Each person who stays a while will be one more person to join my family.   If you like these themes by all means recommend this page to your friends.

If your looking for some Premium Themes then Check these Links Out:

These are just a few good themes for those who want to get a theme that isn’t public or one that isn’t hardly used.   It is up to you if you want to buy or use the Free Themes.   If you are looking for more free themes I would suggest using Google to help you find even more themes.

Hulu Launches the Hulu for the Holidays!

[ad#ad2-right]This is near and dear to my heart.  Hulu finally launches the Hulu for the Holidays sponsored by Wal-Mart.   I have talked about what they might bring to the holiday season and if you want to find out what I thought might come to Hulu check out these links:

Some movies or show that will probably come to Hulu are going to be Christmas themes.  I would wager it will be Charlie Brown, Peanuts, The Grinch who Stole Christmas.  I am sure there will be even more later on, ones that I didn’t think would come to Hulu.   We shall see what comes from what they want to do the next few weeks.  To bad they aren’t doing clues this time around people seemed to like doing that.

Make Your Linux Desktop Look Like a Mac


Linux only: Want the look and feel of a Mac without paying the high-end design premium? Tired of hearing from all your Mac-happy friends how awesome Leopard looks? Got time to run through six pages of instructions? Then HowTo Forge has got you covered. Their guide to making a nearly total theme conversion requires Compiz Fusion (installed by default on Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon), Awn and the patience to download and place a hefty handful of files, but everything seems to be covered, right down to the system sounds. The guide is written for GNOME-based Linux systems and requires a number of downloads, some of which might not pass the most stringent legal (or open source) tests but are otherwise free. I haven’t tried it myself, but this weekend’s another story.