Security and Privacy go hand in hand! Or does it?

Brigid's Well (5 Stones to Pray the Rosary by) (7) Image by sfpanda_pix via Flickr

Privacy Really?

I’ve been commenting on Gail Garners Blog about how Google mail is putting ads in the emails.  Now I have done at least one post about Privacy and you not having it.  If you haven’t read my  post then I will give a outline of that post.

It basically boils down to some main points that I will discuss on this post:

  • No-one is Immune on the Net — Anyone and everyone has some information floating out on the internet and even celebrity information that they don’t want you find can be found if you look hard enough.
  • Know the Information before anyone else — Seriously if you want to keep track of what is being put out on the net about you.   Have Google email you when either name or some other information that you are looking for gets put out on the net.
  • Be Ready for Anything — There isn’t much you can do to actually be ready for Anything but it is more of a statement to yourself that “Nothing will surprise you.”.   Sometimes just taking a long hard look at your life and remembering some of this can be quite concerning, so you should be ready for someone to find out and have an answer for them.
  • Our life are infinitesimal compared to the scheme of things —  Everyday, I am constantly thinking what can I do to make someone’s else happy.   I find blogging makes me happy but I always want to make others just as happy as I am sometimes.   I sometimes like to wake up in the morning and just thank God for each day I can bring something new to my readers!

How Security is involved in Privacy

If you read the title and was a little curious why security is crucial to privacy.   It does not take a rocket scholar to figure this out.  If your are one to worry about your privacy then you should be also worrying about what information is leaking out on the internet from sources that you have no control over.   This means you have to figure out just how far you willing to go.

  • Friends —  Sometimes your privacy is left to who you decide who your friends are.   They might accidentally mention your name or some other random tidbit about you.   It all depends on who your really trust and tell them not to share your information.
  • Family — Almost the exact same people as friends but since they are your family, there may or may not be trust so you will have to deal with them in your own way.   This is why I grouped them separately!
  • Services — If your ever signed up for Facebook or other social websites than you have not truely read the Terms of Service.   Most of them, if not all, require to the user to have personal information on there server.   In turn, someone could get on there server illegally and copy all those names and information.

As with my previous post about epsilon having been hacked.   If you have a computer or the internet then your information is slowly being leaked and there is nothing you can do about it.   You can minimize it but that is about all.

I want to hear from you.   Do you think you can still be invisible on the internet?  Leave a comment or ask a question.   I’d love to hear what you have to say!

Paul Sylvester

TweetTornado and What that means to Twitter

I had an interesting person follow me today and I want to talk about How Twitter Needs to fix this problem:twitteruserspam

[intlink id=”3501″ type=”post”]In my previous post[/intlink], I talked about Twitter needing to fix spam problems and here’s why.  It’s Called Tweet Tornado and you pay $100 for this program a Month.  On the Page,  they talk about downloading this software and using it:


[ad]Now as you can on there website this plainly states this is SPAM.   I wouldn’t install this software or even use it because  of the possibility of having a Virus, Trojan, or even Malware attached to the program.  I can say now that what I’ve seen of this website is that Twitter needs to come up with a way to fix this problem.  I must warn you that if you do start using this software, you might end up with not internet or even worse if Twitter decides to come after you for damages to bandwidth.   This  software violates Twitter TOS:

You must not abuse, harass, threaten, impersonate or intimidate other Twitter users

You must not modify, adapt or hack or modify another website so as to falsely imply that it is associated with .

You must not create or submit unwanted email to any Twitter members (“Spam”)

As you can tell by using this software you are using a Bot that one probably is Spamming by means of either your current users or creating accounts and using the account to post a message with keywords.    This will ultimately come down to Twitter to fix problem because this will create more bandwidth problems for Twitter and will start costing money for Twitter.   Twitter users want this to be a free service but sooner or later if Twitter doesn’t do anything Twitter users will start paying for their mistake.   Twitter will need to Modify it’s Terms of Service to Help prevent spam on the network because they have a Duty to it’s users to make this a safe place for teens and young children because some of these sites as you’ve seen on [intlink id=”3501″ type=”post”]my previous post[/intlink] are not safe for kids.   Twitter needs to consider that there are Young people on their service Teens and Kids over the age of 13 unless Twitter wants to make it so you have to be an Adult to use there service.  That could happen but I am sure this will not happen.

I also did not directly link to the website and I also made it so you can’t find the website easily but If twitter wants to know the website they can email me and I’ll share them the website, I have no problem tell them!   I post this to show how Twitter needs to think about changing there TOS and also implement changes to ways to help prevent spam.