It seems someone got mad at Twitter or at least someone wasn’t to happy:
As you can see when I log into my account this pops up.  I am sure my ratio is normal:
- extremely imbalanced follower/following ratio
- aggressive following (a large number of people are followed in a short amount of time)aggressive following (a large number of people are followed in a short amount of time)
- aggressive following (a large number of people are followed in a short amount of time)
- account contains links pointing to phishing sites, malware, or other harmful material
- links in updates disguise the real content of a link given in a misleading or deceptive way.
Now these are the ones that I would not due and am quite confused why Twitter has suspened. I also like how they have an outdate link to there suspended account section of explaintion on getting your account reviewed or finding out why it was suspended. The link they send you to when the RED Stop Sign Appears is:
Which is not valid they need to add a .html to the end of the URL to fix the problem. I know I’m not the only one to have come accross that invalid link but that is beside the point.  It isn’t my fault if people start following me because of my website content. Please tell Twitter to fix this problem.
I start talking about what is wrong with Twitter and they shut me down? That is the only explaination I can come up with. I hope they fix this or I won’t be staying there much longer, I’ll go to the Indentica Servers and use them instead!! See my other posts about Twitter and you can decide if they did this on purpose or not.