As of getting this beta from Windows Download server, and yet having to activate it. I’d thought I share some of my impressions of this Operating System. Although I must make sure you all know this isn’t the final version of Windows 7, and it will undoubtedly go through some major changes before it is over.

As you can see I’ve installed this onto an Intel System 2 core system 1.6ghz and 2 gigs of ram. I must say that this was a really smooth transition from Vista to Windows 7.  I don’t think it has ever been this good with Vista.  Something that I noticed right off is that now I can have User Account Control Customized.  Yes you’ve heard it right some things you can do with Windows 7 is turn it all the way off(Do not Notify Me) to Always on (Always Notify Me).

With this one I can now not have it Dim all the time when It wants to warn me. This is the best part of this UAC no longer will I get annoyed every time it warns me.  I’m liking the feature more and more.
[ad#ad2-right]So I’ve just installed this and wanted to see what would work and what wouldn’t, so far here’s what I’ve found to work without a hitch:
and what doesn’t seem to work right now is:
Later on I’ll do a more complete list of items that will or will not work with this beta. Although this is something that really surprises with most of the programs right now. I’ve not had any major issue installing the software for the ones that work. Only small hitch was for the Cricket Broad band software I had to tell it to install the driver anyway.  I am really liking this and hope they keep it the same all the way through. I like the speed of access and the preview panes for finding what I need to find. I also like the backgrounds they have installed as default but that is one thing that will most definitely change as they progress they will find even better ones. Now all I have to do is get the Beta Key and I’ll be set until August.