The NSA and You, what they probably know about you!

A Spy's Spy

NSA has Secrets!

VPN4ALL TurbostreamIn a recent report by USA Today, we see just how much the NSA is keeping behind closed doors! I have been seeing this come over the years and quite frankly have expected this to happen.   Nothing has changed in my mind, but I am sure everyone is either quite uncomfortable or in denial of the whole thing.  They have everything they need including your identity, although they already had that if your a US citizen.

Cell Phone Data!

With Prism program being exposed you can bet they are wire taping all the data from Cell Phones, your IMEI, GPS location, and even who you sent or received text messages from.  That is however where you should worry.   

Most phones are using data to place phone calls now a days.   We have went from analog to digital on over the air televisions and they did the same thing to digitial voice calls.   So when you dial your cell phone and talk to your friend or family member.   You can bet the NSA is listening in.   

Emails and You!

Just like Google will look for keywords in your emails to serve up relevant ads in your Gmail account. That was to unexpected they have to make money somewhere.   It can be very dangerous though to email someone with really bad words and I mean those words you don’t want to flag you as a potential terrorist.  Emails are being sent to other servers without encryption and this is a good example on how the NSA is also getting your private emails to friends and family.

All Data is be collected!

I am almost certain that all data you have is being collected at some form or another.   You can really expect it to change over night but you can at least keep what privacy you have safe and secure.   You need something like VPN4ALL Enhanced VPN Security Military Grade Encryption Hide your Identity from Hackers and Government ALIKE.   I won’t say this is the only thing you need but it will help you protect your privacy online.   I like them because they have mobile VPN that you can use with your mobile phones and tablets and keep your safe and secure.


If You Cherish Your Identity, Start Paying Attention…

Identity theft is a growing concern for many consumers, especially we increasingly conduct business online and share our personal information on social media. Pittsburgh’s WPXI reports that identity theft occurs at the whopping rate of once per every three seconds. Even for people who keep much of their personal information as private as possible, recent security breaches at several major organizations show that no individual is safe from a loss of personal data, regardless of their personal habits.

For example, a security breach at the national payroll company ADP recently exposed the names and social security numbers of nearly 5,000 Houston government employees, and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs recently settled a case in which the names, social security numbers and dates of birth of 26.5 million veterans and their families were stolen. Situations such as these are, unfortunately, out of consumers’ hands.

However, there are ways people can protect themselves and their family members from identity theft, even if their personal data is somehow compromised. Several companies are rolling out additional identity theft protection services every day.

Banking Trends

One industry implementing its own identity theft precautions is banking. Most banks offer customizable account alerts, but many consumers may never look into the advanced area of their control panels. Consumers who do want to take advantage of account alerts may be surprised to see what they can control. Account holders can get texts, emails or even calls in the event of suspicious activity or low account balances. Many banks can also alert clients if there are transactions larger than specific amounts on their accounts.

Credit Reports

The three major credit reporting bureaus all offer credit score and credit report monitoring services. These agencies can alert you to any inquiries to your credit reports or any adverse actions noted on their credit reports. Consumers can also freeze their reports in events they believe their personal information has already been compromised. Credit reports should be requested on an annual basis from each of the three major credit reporting bureaus, to make sure there is no suspicious activity.

Options for High-Risk Consumers

Certain consumers may be at higher risks of identity theft. These consumers include those who do a lot of transactions online or otherwise have high levels of exposure. If this is you, consider using an identity theft protection service such as LifeLock for added security. This protection service detects any threats on an individual’s identity and sends alerts if anything suspicious occurs. It also helps consumers track their credit scores and allows them to view their reports at any time.

Do you use any identity theft protection yourself? Tell us your preferred services in the comments.

Get a 30-day free trial of LifeLock Ultimate and save 10% off your final purchase!

Heidi Diamond

Heidi is a grad student working on a Ph.D in linguistics and communication. When she’s not studying and blogging, you can find her jogging on the beach with her beloved golden retrievers.

How to protect your privacy online and from the NSA!

Code Pink NSA protest at Sen Dianne Feinstein's house

Who watches the watcher?

That phrase has always made people think and I think it is high time we think really hard to ask those tough questions.   A few weeks ago we had Edward Snowden release statements on the NSA, and it got me asking questions that I am sure you are asking to.  Some of the questions I have are:

  • What can I do to protect myself?
  • What does the NSA actually know about me?
  • What programs, and ways can I keep my privacy private?
  • Why Do I need to keep my privacy private?

As you can see this is going to be a pretty big multiple posts.   To start it off with we need to lay a few building blocks and hopefully it will help you to understand the problem at hand.

The Internet and You!

When your on Facebook, or any other social network.   You have to understand that what you put out on the network.   More than you can see.  Although it shouldn’t be a surprise to my readers, you may want to at least consider that what you put out on the networks, might come back and bite you on the behind later.  

So obviously when you visit a site and maybe you are using an Android Device.   You probably don’t see the long outlandish URL and that can be problematic at best and at worst it can be used against you.  If you know anything about URL’s you know that nothing is sacred on the browsers and every link you click someone is tracking you.   Whether it be your ISP to an Affiliated Link, or it could be a bad guy just waiting for you to give out your personal information to him!

Privacy and you!

So now we come to the question of why protect it if we have no privacy?  Just because we have no privacy doesn’t mean we can’t keep what we have a secret.   I know all to well that people say or do stuff that they doesn’t want others to see.   It can be a make or break a person depending on who and what they see from a post on Facebook and other social media sites.  

If you were to walk into an interview unprepared then you will not get the job.   You can bet that most hiring managers will do a quick name search on your name on Google and other social media outlets.   Just to get ready for that interview.   Now we all know that if it is a really important position you can bet they may want to know all your profiles.   I don’t know if it is legal or not so that is up to you, it may help and it may harm.   You see the point in this, and why it should be kept private until you think it should be public.

In the coming weeks I will talk about rest of this but for right now.   You can sit back and reread this and absorb what you can from my post.   It might be a good idea to subscribe by email for the updates!  You never know when I will post more about my favorite topic…Security!!

PRISM and Edward Snowden scandal!

Prism Reflections  1877

Prism Scandal?

Some of you would wonder if the Surveillance scandal of 2013 will be remember in 2050?  I really can’t say for sure in the past few hours the US Government has issued an arrest for Edward Snowden.  It really looks quite suspicious that the government uses this tactic.   It seems almost like they want to blame someone who wanted to let the world and the his fellow US citzen the right to know what they are doing.   This is getting quite scary as some of you would like.   With Obama on his last term as president, we have to wonder what will happen for the next 3 years.   Will he make our privacy just as bad as China?

Tech Giants are the ROOT to this!

Most Tech giants are afraid of the government and what will happen to their reputation if they were to be truthful.   I really doubt the government would do anything but slap them for saying no.  They afford so much of this blame that seems to be going around and around in circles.   One company blames another company and it is an endless blame.   Just like the US government is blaming Snowden for leaking this information, you wonder why all the fuss about leak.   He didn’t leak any personal information such as people and social security numbers.

Tempora program and The British Secret Service!

While we are on the subject of PRISM, we have to at least show that it has been going on in other governments around the world and good old James Bond likes his Tempora Program “Shaken, Not stirred”.  We’ve see that the US isn’t the only one doing the serviceable of their people.   Quite scarey isn’t it?   The Tempora program is a co-operation between the NSA and Britain exchanging information about what people do.

What can I do?

If you wondering about cloud backup, you can try Malwarebytes Secure Backup Pro and that will at least encrypt all your data before it is stored in the cloud.   I won’t say that is the only thing you can do.   You can also use a VPN Service such as VPN4ALL The Best Protection Online AES-256 RSA 2096bit (Military Grade) Encryption for all your internet traffic. Unlimited and Metered VPN Plans starting 9.95 / month which is what I am using now so It will help keep your privacy a little more safe. There are no guarantees that government has keys but at least it is one more step to privacy that shows them that you want to be “Do Not Tracked”.   One last way to help keep your information a little more private is Secured Texted on the Android phones.   Looks nice and it is opened source so you have little worry about who has access to your text messages.   In the last 30 days, this app has been getting popular.  


NSA wiretaps the internet, and what you should do about it!

NSA wiretaps your Internet!

The National Security Agency has been in the past a thorn in most people’s sides. As of late though their new Prism program has raised some very interesting questions. It isn’t like they have anything to hide, after all if you haven’t done anything wrong than you neeed not worry! That logic just elludes me, we have seen this is history. People who haven’t done anything wrong who are prosecuted for their believes and actions. They will make everyone evil some how. See how they did with Edward Snowden, NSA and other’s are saying he was wrong to do this but it was the public right to know. While whistle blowing is a necessary for the public to know about it, the NSA thinks we should always be kept in the dark over some of this. I personally believe we should not only be told but also have a public forum over stuff like this. Now let’s not forget that we are trying to fight terrorism, but this is what they wanted us to do in the first place. Fear brings down our civil liberties by making it harder for us to be free, hince we now have to worry about the NSA!

The Pipe

If you haven’t figure out how they National Security Agency is doing this than, one you didn’t watch that video or two it just didn’t click. I am going to try to dumb it down a little more and make it easier to understand. Let’s say you have an apple, the apple in this case represents your data or metadata as some would call it. You have two people who want the apple, so you would basically cut it in an equal half. Now that doesn’t mean both people have different information they have the same information but it is simply just been cloned, or copied. Another way to look at is this: You have a piece of paper with your information on it. You send it Google, Bing, Yahoo, ETC and just before it is delivered there, someone graps your paper puts it on a copy and makes a copy for themselves, and send the document along it’s way as if nothing happened. You wouldn’t know, the place you sent it to would not know and somewhere there is a piece of paper with your data and no one is the wiser. Kinda of snicky isn’t it!

Fighting the NSA!

You can always fight the National Security Agency, with a few good steps you can make them worry and wonder where you are actually coming from. This won’t stop them but it will at least keep yourself private and less likely the NSA will get this personal information of yours. I am hoping this helps people find out how to fight this injustice.

  • VPN4ALL — this is a vpn service that I have started using to help keep my information safe. They use a 256 encryptions algorithm and it means no one can see where you go when you don’t want them to know. Works with Android, IOS, and most Mobile Devices also…
  • DNSCrypt — Making sure no one knows where you go to on the internet is made a little easier with DNScrypt. It works really nicely but nothing yet for android. Hopefully soon, someone has something.
  • Encrypting your Email — Although this seems kind of hard it is actually quiet easy. Any emails your send get’s transmitted and that means the NSA can get them. If you encrypt them they can read them. So this is always a good idea to do, because you never know.

So you can see there are a few ways to encrypt your information so no prying eyes can see it. Although it won’t stop them from seeing what you done later on the in future but it will stop them for right now. As technology advances so does un-encryption, so hopefully by the time they see where you went and what you did, you will be long gone dead. I do hope this helps those of you who are worried and want to protect your sensitive information. This won’t help all over but it will help the average person surf the internet a little more securely and hopefully shows the NSA we mean business!