Who watches the watcher?
That phrase has always made people think and I think it is high time we think really hard to ask those tough questions. A few weeks ago we had Edward Snowden release statements on the NSA, and it got me asking questions that I am sure you are asking to. Some of the questions I have are:
- What can I do to protect myself?
- What does the NSA actually know about me?
- What programs, and ways can I keep my privacy private?
- Why Do I need to keep my privacy private?
As you can see this is going to be a pretty big multiple posts. To start it off with we need to lay a few building blocks and hopefully it will help you to understand the problem at hand.
The Internet and You!
When your on Facebook, or any other social network. You have to understand that what you put out on the network. More than you can see. Although it shouldn’t be a surprise to my readers, you may want to at least consider that what you put out on the networks, might come back and bite you on the behind later.
So obviously when you visit a site and maybe you are using an Android Device. You probably don’t see the long outlandish URL and that can be problematic at best and at worst it can be used against you. If you know anything about URL’s you know that nothing is sacred on the browsers and every link you click someone is tracking you. Whether it be your ISP to an Affiliated Link, or it could be a bad guy just waiting for you to give out your personal information to him!
Privacy and you!
So now we come to the question of why protect it if we have no privacy? Just because we have no privacy doesn’t mean we can’t keep what we have a secret. I know all to well that people say or do stuff that they doesn’t want others to see. It can be a make or break a person depending on who and what they see from a post on Facebook and other social media sites.
If you were to walk into an interview unprepared then you will not get the job. You can bet that most hiring managers will do a quick name search on your name on Google and other social media outlets. Just to get ready for that interview. Now we all know that if it is a really important position you can bet they may want to know all your profiles. I don’t know if it is legal or not so that is up to you, it may help and it may harm. You see the point in this, and why it should be kept private until you think it should be public.
In the coming weeks I will talk about rest of this but for right now. You can sit back and reread this and absorb what you can from my post. It might be a good idea to subscribe by email for the updates! You never know when I will post more about my favorite topic…Security!!