This weekend the blogosphere flared up over twitter having “authority” search functions. I say this is totally not going to work because some factors. I am not saying they have the right idea but I do see a really major downfall.  Loic wants to be able to search for content that has more “authority” and because he is looking for good content.  I understand where he is coming from because he wants to look for content for his Seesmic Company.  I can see he wants to find the best videos to offer to his users for his company. I totally understand and really appreciate that he wants to work for his company.
[ad#cricket-1-1]Now being that Arrington talked about this on Techcrunch, and agreeing with Loic over this. I have to wonder why he wants to agree. You see he is also into content and understand that if the “authority” for searches in twitter from his blog post means people will flock to his site and he gets more pageviews. I say this is the wrong for him to agree because there is nothing going to stop people finding his content.  Also that would mean his blog post would have more “authority” then the common person who might not like this blog post and you wouldn’t see that until you get to the next page or even a few pages back.  So we have these two wanting more “authority” and more content.
Then we have Scoble and his blog post. Now let’s talk about this from where scoble says it’s a bad idea. Scoble talks about gaming the system, and if you think back to Digg killing all the high number of members because they were using scripts. Here we are again with regards to twitter. Now if we have authority people are going to game the system because no matter how hard we try it will be a competition.
We have botnets and we have bots on twitter. It really isn’t hard to have a bot on twitter, and that is where we have a problem. You see if we have “authority” and we want to game the system. We just have bots with authority and by having other bots subscribe to each other. There lies the problem. People will easily be able to game te system and create even more trouble finding the content they are so dearly looking for.  Now I don’t usually get into the whole “he’s right and he wrong” disputes but this one has to be brought to people attentions.
I say this when did “Authority” stop people from talking about the really important stuff happening in the world.  We have people from Friendfeed talking about this and we have people from twitter talking about this als. Loic and Arrington need to learn content isn’t hard to find, it will always be there. You just have to open your eyes to see.  The way I see it, we have a coin and we have the good and bad. We should just keep the bad out of there and keep the good stuff we already have.  This goes in the bad idea bin for the time.