Hulu Days of Summer Clues for July 6 thru 10, 2009

Ok So we hit it off well this week now they seem to want to give us some really hard ones.   So I figure we can disqus this in the forums or other in comment sections.  I want to hear what you think:

So Let’s Start this off,  There are Some good Possibilities:

If anyone can think of something different let me know these are just a few ideas that I think they could be but if you have something different I will surely entertain the idea.

I’ve got a Feeling this week they are using Anagrams but I can’t figure this one out just Yet.  They used a characters name for the anagram so if Anyone can help solve these let me know!!!  I do I found it.   Let me know what you think leave comments and such!!

*Tuesday Update*

Can’t Figure out the “A Cornmeal Viper” but I know it is an Anagram so if someone figures that out let me know!!  We have 1 out 2 done.

*Wednesday Update*

As you can see I figured out two of the clues the only one that I am having problems with is “A Moan Cough Ink”.  So If someone wants to help me figure that one out, just leave a comment and I will get it.

*Thursday Update*

Finally Figured it out after they brought out the list for Thursday.  It was a Japanese name and movie so no wonder I couldn’t figure out.  Well we aren’t perfect, I suppose!!  More to come!!

Not sure what this new clue is “Valiant Rim“, I look around and check to see if it was an Anagram.  If it is a Chinese or Japanese name I won’t be able to unscramble it.   It could be something that has to do with Mountain Biking but I am unsure!!