The main question is how much do you want to know about this? Yes I am talking about a Vulnerability that could risk your twitter account or even yet inject malious software into the computer.
[ad#cricket-right-ez]We’ve seen that there have been [intlink id=”2650″ type=”post”]twitter phishing[/intlink] in the past, and [intlink id=”3008″ type=”post”]Facebook phishing[/intlink] have made people wonder out much do we depend on Twitter.
Lance James and Eric Wastl have provide Proof of Concept for this vulnerability, according to Information Weekly:
James cautions that XSS vulnerabilities should be taken seriously because they can reach beyond Web pages. “A lot of people think XSS is limited to the Web,” he said. If there’s another vulnerability in the victim’s browser, the Twitter flaw could be used to launch additional malicious code, he explained.
As you can see there is more to this problem then meets the eye. For one using the [intlink id=”2980″ type=”post”]URL redirects[/intlink] could be one way this could be used. No telling what other vulnerabilities lay for the client side twitter programs.  Twitter has a long way to go to be security minded, and yet Twitter hasn’t said what they will do to fix this problem.
I for one would like to see this problem fixed just as quickly as possible due to the security risk involved to me, the consumer. Twitter needs to jump on this and fix it to prevent any more attacks against there twitter audience. Although it doesn’t hurt to have [intlink id=”2205″ type=”page”]Anti-virus And a good firewall[/intlink], it all depends on End user to prevent this for the time being.
Come on Twitter, Fix this problem.