Is internet Privacy a Right or Privilege? Your help is needed!

Privacy Day at Carnegie Mellon University

Privacy and You!

When I was talking to someone on twitter saying they think this is a right.   I did not know if it was supposed to be a Right or if it was just to be a privilege and this is why I created a poll.   To help figure out which one is right.   I know we have the right to free speech and to have some civil liberties but my question for this is how much of this is actually a right and how much is this a privilege.   Does owning a gun say we have a right?  Some people can not legally own a gun because of what they have done.

Take this poll!

I am asking people on my blog this question because I am really curious as to what people think and what they consider about Privacy and what you think about it.   it is a simple question that can be a difficult thing to answer.   I am sure i am not the only one who asked this question but I intend to keep asking to find out the answer!

I’ll share the results of this poll later on next month but I am quite curious to see what people say!

Run a Better Google Talk on Your Desktop with Prism

prism-gtalk.pngEver since Google updated the web-based Google Talk gadget, I’ve firmly felt that the web-based Google Talk is head and shoulders above the desktop client (if you don’t need file transfer or voice calls, that is). Last week we told you about Prism, Mozilla’s update to the stripped-down browser and web application environment WebRunner. Put the two together (using this URL when you create the Prism application) and you’ve got what feels very much like a desktop version of the Google Talk gadget. Prism is still very early in development, currently Windows-only, and—honestly—requires way more memory than I’d like (around 30MB for my Google Talk), but with more time and development, the single-use approach to web applications as desktop apps could catch on. Thanks Jon!