Canadian Pharmacy at it again :

I received an email that got past my email settings and here it is:

Hi there,

Because of the economic crisis, things are not going well for online business. So here is a pharmacy which sells % 60 cheaper than other stores on the net. If you have pharmaceutical needs, try them before they go out of stock. You may read the advertisement below if you are interested :

[ad]No doctor needed anymore! Get what you want easy and faster than ever before!
We have all the best medicines of the industry packed and waiting for your order!
Of course we got the best blue men’s friends and we sell them with the hugest discount right now!
More about us:
– Man’s Health, Anti-Depressants, Antibiotics, Cholesterol, Diabetes, Diuretic medicines
– Pain, Sexual Health, Erectile dysfunction, Sleep Aids and Weight Loss medicines
– Worldwide shipping
– % 60 cheaper than other pharmacies (limited with stocks)
– Always full anonymity
– Always making you a happy customer!

Choose us and you will feel well: Always!


As you can tell if you went to the site it would be a redirect domain and go to  I’ve talked about [intlink id=”3680″ type=”post”]Canadian Pharmacies[/intlink] in the past but there are a few things to look at to prove that it is a fact.  I did a Search for the phone on the bottom of the screen to see what pops up and you will be amazed at what is on the first Google search page.   A Rip-off Report about how they sent Generics and not the real deal.   I also did a whois look up of and the site is located in Russia.   There are others who have blogged about the phone number in question at the bottom of the screen, so yo must be careful where you buy your medications.  As always it is simply far less risky to buy them from you local pharmacy.   If you have any doubts the best bet is not to do it in the first place.

Canadian Pharamacies not from Canada!!

I got an Email that happen to get past the spam filters and wanted to talk about it.   The Email goes like this:

Hi there
Hey where have you been recently ? I could not get any news from you for a long time. Anyway, I found a decent pharmacy store from google last week. I decided to give a shot because it was Canada Licensed Drugstore. Well the prices were % 65 cheaper than the local pharmacies in my region. So I took a chance. I took my medicines in my hand 3 days after i ordered and they were packed very well as they claimed that they provide full anonymity. Needless to say medicines are legit and they give me what i want 🙂 If you need any medicine without any prescription, give it a try until the discount ends.
Take care of yourself. I included the url below. See you later.

Several things makes me wonder where it stands out that this is just spam. Here are some examples:

  • the word Google — It isn’t capitalised and that should be capilitized.
  • Bad Grammar — This shows me this isn’t even close to Canada, I’ll explain later in this article.
  • Makes it sounds like I know the person —  Again this email tries to socialize and makes you think you know the person.

[ad]The first untrusted relay in  this email is the the Url Redirect, the instant you click on that you are transported to which isn’t even located in Canada.   If you check the whois on this domain you will see it is [intlink id=”3141″ type=”post”]located in Russia[/intlink].

So the “Canadian Licensed Drugstore” isn’t real in the sentenced because It is nowhere close to the Canada.  I looked around the website and find there is this number “(210) 888-9089“.   I read what people posted on the forums they were calling this a scam.   I do not know if it is or not but I do know you are far better getting your drugs from your local pharmacy and not even trying to order online.  You don’t know what they will send your is the right stuff.  Also if you want to contact them just click on the Contact  us, but you won’t find any information there it will be a web form.

So let’s go over this again, I get an email from a Verizon User which shows a the is in the US, but the Redirect goes to a Russian server.  That one things is the most important key, they are trying to get you to think you are trusting a US or Canadian site but really are just be sent to a Russian server.  Although the URL will change the idea is the same they will probably change it around soon or later with a different URL but the email will be the same.  I would be willing to be it will be a different redirect all together but if you check it out it will be in Russia and not Canada.