Look back at the past: Friday!

Thank God It's Friday Image via Wikipedia

Looking back is always good to do!

Having had a really unusual past, I do sometimes wonder if you could look back at your past. What would you do differently or would you do anything differently?  We’ve all had our little problems in the past and not to mention having to deal with stress along the way.   Everything we do weather it be going to work to family problems can cause regrets and even me being a blogger get those questions that we can’t really answer.   Although answering the question isn’t really the point it is the part of the journey of discovery, as some would say.   We can always come up with excuses to why we do things we do but until we accept our past and say I forgive myself then we may never see the future or get the future that we may want or need.

I’m not saying that we should air our dirty laundry per say but to see it in a different light.   We can learn from our mistakes and make something good come from it.    Sometimes though people often don’t learn from their past mistakes but those are people who refuse to be truthful with themselves.   We really can’t help those who don’t want to help themselves, but we can help ourselves help others.   A few weeks ago I did a blog post, Pay it forward: Friday, and this time we are taking a time to look at our past and admit to ourselves that we may need a little more help then we really would like to admit.   I must admit this blog post was brought on by two different posts, one was Dolphin Tales and the other one was “Unchain the Name” blog post.   I want to discuss some of what I am feeling in this blog post.

Are you Second?

I’ve really been think about my priorities this month and why I haven’t been successful like I know God wants me to be.   I finally realized that I haven’t really put God first and I’ve decided in the coming months to work on making my blog more friendly to Christians.  I’m going to start calling myself a Christian Tech blogger, but I am not sure how you would classify it.   I’ve seen some people talking about that same topic but can we actually define it or do we need to come up with something really new.

Our Past defines us!

Now we all have some kind of past that really has impacted us somewhere or somehow.   It really has been something of a working struggle to define my past.   I’ve got so many things that I have yet to forgive myself over that I may not be a perfect christian but I do like to think of it as a continual journey.   I can’t really say where I’d end up but I do know that ever since I was a small boy, I have always like technology and I know in todays churches we are always going to see Ipads, Iphones, and other tablets that are used in looking up Bible  (Affiliate Link)passages and thus will always be in need of Christian Tech support.

Our Present is Upon us!

When I ask myself what I am expecting to do in the coming years, I always am looking at what I am doing now.   It doesn’t matter what I am doing but it is something that will affect me tomorrow and the next day.   I know I will never be perfect but I’m not going to create a post that no one will want to read but it will be a interesting journey to what I have learned over the years.   I also feel like I want to be a writer but am unsure of how to better accomplish this.   I guess God is calling me to do something but I have yet to figure out all the details but I do know this blog will be a big step in the right direction.

Our Future is yet determined!

I really don’t know what the future will hold but I am going to take it as it comes.   I can’t say anything else but that.   Do you know your future?  Are you ready for it? These are all questions that we are constantly asking.

Paul Sylvester

Pay it forward Friday (January)!

English: Portrait of Walt Disney, 1 January 19... Image via Wikipedia

Pay it forward Friday!

We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.

Walt Disney

It is times like this that I am really feeling blessed.  I thought this would be something that I wanted to inspire people.   If you’e not heard the saying, I’ll explain it to you.

Pay it Forward” used to describe the concept of asking that a good turn be repaid by having it done to others instead.


It really is something that I would like to explain why I am asking people to help make someones day a little nicer.   I’ll explain why later on in this post.   I thought this was a good idea when I had something that just made me believe there are good people in the world after all.

 Acts of Random Kindness

Those of us who have fallen on hard times know how hard it is to get some of the basic things in life.   I am not saying that it isn’t always going to be easy but I do know that a lot has happened in my last few months and if it wasn’t for the support of my family, I don’t know where I’d be or what I would be doing.    That be said, I do have a small story I’d like to share with you to demonstrate just how much people need to help others right now.

Driving along in my small car, nothing says economy like a manual transmission car, I happen to stop to get a hair cut.   After 3 months of not having a hair cut, I knew it was about time.   My hair was constantly in my face and nothing I could do to it was to get it out of my way.  I decided to go to a nice little out of the way Barber shop and get my hair cut, but unbeknownst to me was the price of the hair cut.    I really thought I had enough money for the hair cut but when I walked into the shop, I found that I only had ten dollars and the hair cut was twelve dollars.

I tell the owner I don’t have enough money to pay him the twelve dollars, after all this out of the way shop doesn’t accept anything but cash.   One of the patrons told me relax and sit down, he’d probably not take the whole ten dollars.   I didn’t know if I could believe him but I sat down.   After the patron that told me to sit down was done, I was next and the next thing I knew he gave me a ten dollar bill, saying here this will help you today with your hair cut.

I only had to pay two dollars for the hair cut directly.   I know I’m blessed but I also believe that others should profit in his actions.   So I thought about asking people to do something good for a friend or relative.

Have you done something Good Today?

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Paul Sylvester