I’ve had someone ask about the On Screen Keyboard, and I thought I would show you how to use it:
As you can see with Roboform, you have a option to use for on screen keyboard. Just clicking the button on the right will do this:
As you can see you can use the On screen keyboard to put in your master password, this is great for those who have the portable Roboform and use on several different systems. Although the on screen keyboard is available on all versions of Roboform. I’ve got the Pro version of Roboform but have the unregistered version of the Portable app and can only have 10 passwords a time, it at least lets me use on the road.
Roboform now has an option to back up your passwords on there website. It is however requires you to have a Pro account this helps let you have your passwords on the road.  If you want to learn more about the specials that Roboform has just go check it out yourself. If you would like to see other screenshots by all means see if it is right for you.
See my [intlink id=”2646″ type=”post”]review of Roboform[/intlink] to read it or download it directly.