ASUS Motherboard Ships With Embedded Linux, Web Browser

The good folks over at ASUS have sent over the P5E3 Deluxe, which is based upon Intel’s new X38 Chipset and continues in the usual ASUS fashion of pushing new (and often unexpected) innovations onto the motherboard. Without spoiling the review of this motherboard that will be published shortly, the ASUS P5E3 Deluxe is one of the most innovative motherboards we have seen to date and it packs one very exciting and unusual feature. Embedded onto the P5E3 Deluxe is a Linux environment that features a Firefox-rebranded web browser and the Skype VoIP client! Within five seconds of turning on this $360 USD gaming/enthusiast motherboard, you can be using Linux and surfing the Internet. On this motherboard the feature is known as ASUS Express Gate, which is powered by something called SplashTop. SplashTop is an instant-on Linux desktop being created by DeviceVM. SplashTop isn’t even launching for a few more days (October 10), but in this article we have more details on this embedded Linux environment as well as screenshots and our thoughts with what will hopefully come next for this Linux environment.

I wonder if they will ever make a Laptop version of this. It would be useful trips not to have to boot up the system to do some of the minor things

Top Ten Side Effects of Switching to Linux

Studies done by a prestigious think tank in Silicon Valley have identified the most common behavioral changes in people who have switched to Linux. They were nice enough to share their information with us. According to them, these are the ten most frequent side effects of Linux use with us.

Number 10: You start talking about ‘killing’ programs instead of forcing them to quit

Number 9: You keep reminding yourself that you don’t have to save your work every five minutes

Number 8: You start substituting C for K in your normal writing (Did you know that Pizarro konquered the Inkas?)

Number 7: You talk your grandmother into open-sourcing her secret cookie recipe

Number 6: People give you strange looks when you brag about your uptime

Number 5: You cause Bill Gates’ fortune to decrease by 0.0000001 percent

Number 4: The only viruses that bother you are the ones that cause the flu

Number 3: The blue screen of death only appears to you in nightmares

Number 2: You actually get some serious work done

And the number 1 side effect of switching to Linux is:
Your problems meeting members of the opposite sex disappear

It made me laugh!! 😉 GO LINUX

Boost Virtual Machine Performance On Ubuntu, Fedora, PCLinuxOS And Debian

This document explains how to set up the VMware Tools in the following guest operating systems: Ubuntu 7.04, Fedora 7, PCLinuxOS 2007 and Debian Etch. Installing VMware Tools in your guest operating systems will help maximize performance, provide mouse synchronization and copy & paste functionality. This article also shows a way of making VMware Tools start automatically when you start a guest operating system.
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I used the VMware Tools v1.0.3-44356 provided by VMware Server v1.03.

A very good article and I might have to try it out on my Vista OS, to see how fast of an improvement it does on the LINUX side of it.

Kubuntu 7.10 Beta

Today I installed the beta for Kubuntu 7.10 and I am surprised how well it worked with the integration of the old and new. I do admit there are always going to be some problems with it. As with anything that says beta you have stuff that always goes wrong. There is this one problem with it that I am going to have figure out what. It says that it can’t update because it is being used.

They updated the Firefox extensions to include ADblock Plus and some very nice tools with Ubuntu. You can download more extensions with this then you could before. Firefox loads a little quicker. It also has several other features that is best left for you to explore.

It Handles the non-free devices a whole lot better. It shows you have a device that can be updated with that little window. If this device is restricted it also tells you this.

All in all I’ve have to give this a pretty good update for Ubuntu, I’ll be curious to see what else I’ll find when I get even deeper into the system. I do know I like the graphics they added. It almost has an XP feel to it. If you would like to know more just visit the website and try it for yourself.