I’m going to go try this game out!!
All Posts by Paul
New Harry Potter DVD Comes Bundled With Portable Video
Warner Home Video announced today that Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix will be the first DVD to come bundled with multiple video formats on a single disk. In addition to the regular DVD format, the disk will include versions for both home computer viewing and playback on portable media players. There has been no word on whether DRM could be part of the equation, but keep in mind that protection schemes are typical with Warner releases.
Warner execs also noted that they will soon roll out an on-demand form of DVD burning that will help bridge the gap between in-store purchases and downloading. Again, CSS copy protection will most likely be part of the equation, but they claim that these releases would not be platform specific. It may not be perfect, but it should help movie fans who have been ripping video save a little time. Order of the Phoenix is due on store shelves December 11th.[Electronista]
I wonder how good the quality is going to be and what will be able to use it?
Find Software Updates with UpdateStar
Windows only: Freeware application UpdateStar detects what applications are running on your computer and informs you of available updates. In tests, UpdateStar performed much better than previously mentioned AppSnap as it provides shareware and commercial application information, whereas AppSnap does not. UpdateStar’s interface is also a lot snazzier, though that’s really just frosting. To be fair, UpdateStar isn’t entirely accurate: it informed me that Mozilla Thunderbird 5.2 was the latest version available (it’s currently at However, for a product that’s still in beta, it does a fine job. UpdateStar is a free application for Windows only.
Nice little program!
Patent investigation could force hard drives off US market
This one’s still a ways off, but the International Trade Commission has just launched a patent investigation into five manufacturers that could result in a ban on hard drive imports if the agency finds evidence of infringement. The patents, which are owned by Californians Steven and Mary Reiber, cover a method of using “ceramic bonding tips” on the internal wiring of the drives, and the couple claims Western Digital, Seagate, Toshiba, Hewlett-Packard, and Dell have all infringed by importing the drives. Much like the Qualcomm case, the ITC has a variety of ways of dealing with the situation and the parties have a lot of methods of appeal, but products that infringe on US patents are barred from being imported, so this initial determination will set off a lot of dominoes when it gets made in 45 days. Details are still pretty sketchy on what exactly the ITC is investigating, but we’ll definitely keep you updated as we get more info.
Well now that is going to be an interesting development, I hope it comes out good!!
Downloadable files coming to next Harry Potter DVD
Users clamoring for alternate (read: easier) ways to transport commercial DVD footage to portable media players will likely enjoy knowing that the next Harry Potter DVD will reportedly feature “two downloadable digital files” for easy viewing on devices other than a vanilla DVD player. According to Jim Wuthrich, Warner senior VP of digital distribution, users can “buy the DVD and have the option of the digital copy,” and apparently, he also suggested that “another studio was preparing to launch digital copies of a film tied to its DVD release.” Unfortunately, details about the actual formats and whatnot weren’t disclosed, so barring any unforeseen announcements, it looks like we’ll be waiting for the December 11th release of Order of the Phoenix to find out exactly what this disc contains.
I wonder what it will be used for? IPOD or IPhone?