Our Leopard Review Matrix

Don’t have time to read over the full reviews from NYT’s David Pogue, USA Today’s Ed Baig and WSJ’s Walt Mossberg? Read our handy review matrix instead, where we break out everything that wasn’t merely feature description in an easy-to-compare chart. You can thank us later!

It’s kinda of a big article go check it out!!

Starbucks Tests Free Wi-Fi In California

I told you October 11 about my prediction that Starbucks would offer free Wi-Fi within a year. Well, the prediction is happening… sort of. Starbucks is TESTING FREE WI-FI at some 1,000 Southern California stores (until October 31). I think this is a trial run for much wider free Wi-Fi.(props to djchuang.com and the ubiquitous Chris Pirillo)

Figured it will come this way!!! I am sure of it!!

Quicksilver Updates, Prepares for Leopard

Mac OS X only: The keyboard shortcut loving Mac owner’s favorite app, Quicksilver, has received a received a minor updated, presumably in preparation for the upcoming release of Leopard. Aside from the version update (it’s B52 from B51, despite what Quicksilver’s homepage says at the time of this writing), the most significant difference I’ve noticed is what appears to be a very slight refresh of the preferences, triggers, catalog, and plug-ins manager (I saw a spinner when I switched tabs that’s new to me). But there actually is a little more.

The only other new “feature” that’s obvious on first install is the request to help Alcor and the folks at Blacktree improve Quicksilver by sending them a little usage data (see screenshot). Quicksilver saw a somewhat silent new release a week or two ago (to build 3812), but it wasn’t pushing out automatically with the update check and so it mostly floated under the radar. However, posts in the Quicksilver forums (which are down as I write this) indicated that that release was, as I stated above, mostly in preparation for Leopard.

Well, it’s nothing new or especially fancy, but it is very exciting to see some active development for Quicksilver, and it’s good to know that my favorite Mac app will still be running like a dream when I upgrade to Leopard this weekend. To grab the new version, either head to the Quicksilver homepage or open your Quicksilver preferences and check for an update. Quicksilver is freeware, Mac OS X only. Thanks CWB71!

Yep this is the week for Leopard and everyone is talking about how-to’s. I don’t have a Mac but I play one in my MIND!! 😛

Buffalo expands LinkStation NAS lineup

f you’ve been yearning for a well-spec’d, feature packed NAS, Buffalo’s latest additions are certainly not what you’re interested in, but for those who just need the basics, these units just might fit the bill. The 750GB LS-L750GL, LS-L750GL / M and 1TB LS-L1000GL / M (the M interestingly stands for “Mac-compatible”) all sport a fairly unexciting enclosure and an even less entrancing set of amenities. Taking a peek around back (psst, it’s after the jump) shows only a fan, lock port, AC plug and an Ethernet jack, but that should be all you need to get an external HDD set up on your network. The 750GB models are set to land early next month for ¥42,300 ($369), while the 1TB iteration will demand ¥63,800 ($557).

[Via AkihabaraNews]

For people like me who doesn’t have enought space, it still quite a bargin!!

SanDisk drops a patent lawsuit bomb, sues 25 companies for infringement

Apparently SanDisk just noticed that other companies have had the nerve to ship flash-memory devices, because it’s just dropped two lawsuits and an International Trade Commission action against some 25 companies, including Philips PNY, Kingston, Imation / Memorex, LG, and Verbatim. SanDisk is alleging that these companies infringed up to seven different patents, although what those patents cover has not yet been released. The two lawsuits are filed in the Western District of Wisconsin, which is known as a “rocket docket,” so we should hear more about them relatively quickly, but the real action for right now is the ITC case, which is the same type of complaint that halted imports of those Qualcomm chips and could result in a stoppage of flash imports if successful. This just dropped, so we’ll keep you updated as we find out more — and peep the whole list of companies being sued after the break.

Hmm, I thought people should know about Sandisk and how hard it is to find any other good Flash Memory!!