Leopard’s Revamped Terminal Sports Tabs and More

Mac OS X 10.5 only: Command line-lovers who’ve upgraded to Leopard will also love its new tabbed interface and fine-grained window control. To create a new tab, hit Cmd+N Cmd+T, and to cycle through tabs, use Cmd+} and Cmd+{. You can also drag and drop an existing tab into its own window, configure and save window groups, and skin Terminal windows using prefab or custom themes. After the jump, see the theme options (“Pro” pictured here.)

Go Check out the full article, I thought this was a good article to show people!!

Auto-Hide Your Firefox Bookmarks Toolbar

Firefox only: Love the bookmarks toolbar but only want it there when you need it? Reader Andy writes in with a tweak that makes the toolbar hide automatically, unless you mouse over it (like auto-hiding your Windows taskbar or Mac Dock.) To turn on auto-hiding you have to edit your Firefox profile’s copy of userChrome.css Here’s the code you need:

/* Pop-up bookmarks toolbar */ #PersonalToolbar {display: none;} #navigator-toolbox:hover > #PersonalToolbar {display: -moz-box;}

If you haven’t edited userChrome.css before, here’s a primer on doing so. The ChromEdit Plus extension makes user-specific tweaks easier.

A few other bookmark toolbar tweaks:

For more space-saving, here’s how to consolidate Firefox’s chrome. Thanks, Andy!

Hmm, I nice little way to hid those bars!!

Blu-ray Copy Protection Cracked, Disk Copying Software Out by Year’s End

Slysoft, the makers of AnyDVD, CloneDVD, and many other disc-copying software apps, have just cracked the Blu-ray BD+ copy protection. This means, if Slysoft’s predictions are correct, a commercially-purchasable suite to copy Blu-ray movies will be available by the end of the year. However, Blu-ray blanks—especially dual-layer ones—are still so costly right now ($40+ for a writable) that it’s not financially feasible for people to be duping their own movies. You know, unless you really enjoy the blank disc look over the professionally done Blu-ray disc with the proper case and materials. Weirdo. [Golem via Inquirer]

I wonder how long this takes before they dump Blu-ray Disc!!

Run a Better Google Talk on Your Desktop with Prism

prism-gtalk.pngEver since Google updated the web-based Google Talk gadget, I’ve firmly felt that the web-based Google Talk is head and shoulders above the desktop client (if you don’t need file transfer or voice calls, that is). Last week we told you about Prism, Mozilla’s update to the stripped-down browser and web application environment WebRunner. Put the two together (using this URL when you create the Prism application) and you’ve got what feels very much like a desktop version of the Google Talk gadget. Prism is still very early in development, currently Windows-only, and—honestly—requires way more memory than I’d like (around 30MB for my Google Talk), but with more time and development, the single-use approach to web applications as desktop apps could catch on. Thanks Jon!