DOS Rocks!
Direcotry of System or Disk Operating System (DOS) is one way the technology is good at fixing certian issues. I am going to talk about some that you might or may not know about. Each command is good for those who are connected to through a network or network group.  If these system are on the same workgroup and are on the shared through the network this will help you in solving those really problems.  You’ll love these as much as I use them because they are really good at keeping you looking like a genius.
FSUTIL (Microsoft learn)
C:\fsutil volume diskfree \\(Shared drive)Â Â
You’ll need to add the \\ as the shared drive or shared system that you want to know how much space is left on it if you need to know at a quick glance will this file or program fit on this drive.  It’s very useful for those times that you may need to keep track of the space.
QUERY (Microsoft Learn)
query session /server:computername
query users /server:computername
one of thse can be used to determine if there are users who might be causing problems by being logged in but aren’t actually doing anything on the system.  These users could be from a previous shift or might of been logged in for a while without any activity. So this helps to know if a program or access is causing another user from not being able to do their job one way or another. This is great tool for corporations where more than one users could be using the system at one time or another.
logoff [<sessionname> | <sessionID>] [/server:<servername>] [/v] (Microsoft Learn)
shutdown /l /r /m:(Computername)Â (Microsoft Learn)
Each one of these commands does about the same thing but one reboots the system also because you never know when the remote system might need to be rebooted also after forcing the user to logoff.  So you can decide which one you might need to user remotely for a system.  You can even add in comments or tell the reason why the system rebooted with the shutdown command by adding /d [p : u](Planned or Unplanned with a number 1-256) .  I will remind you to be cautious as to what you put down as the reason and you can even specifiy how long to wait before the system reboots by adding /t 0-256 MINUTES.  Each one of these command can be helpful for you when you are trying to solve some minor major issues with a system not working properly.
DOS is Powerful
Wheather you want to believe it or not, DOS can be a very useful tool for those who might need to fix issues with the system like windows and other issues that you might need help to fix certain issues that might arise on the system.  You can find some great useful tools at the DOS prompt but you have to be willing to learn it even more than most because it is so much like Linux.  I definately say old and new techs should know how to do this and use the dos prompt when you need to fix issues. Do you have a favorite command prompt that you use?  Why not leave a comment and tell people about the command that you think is the most useful command?  I’d like to hear it and learn even more about the power of using the DOS prompt.
It’s Disk Operating System
Thank you for your input and I do understand where you are comming from because of the 5.25′ and 3.5′ floppies that I used to use but since DOS is a microsoft product it is also can be considered as a directory. I’ll correct it in the blog post. Thank you.