Staring at a blank page
We’ve all done it, at one time or another. We’ve stared at a blank piece of paper or even a blank screen and asking ourselves “What am I going to write about?” I even imagine most people who are new this have a cold sweat or even feel anxious about even attempting the essay.  This is a common problem in colleges because more the half the students are new and inexperienced.  I have even done it, it can seem daunting to come up with a topic or even come up with what the professor wants you to do. If you didn’t at least stop and ask yourself this every time you tried to write a essay, I’d be worried.  When you start the process of writing an essay, how can I find my inner voice to use for writing.  I’m going to talk about some of this and help students create their inner voice and bring it out.  It’s not as easy as it sounds, it can sometimes seem down right hard because you’ve never done it.  This, I suspect, will bring you out of your comfort zone and that might be a little or a lot difficult depending on how you feel about writing.
Close your eyes
If you’re a really good at typing on the keyboard, then this will be almost as easy as walking.  The problem is that most like to look at the screen or even the keyboard to write because they want to make sure they are spelling the words the right way.  I find sometimes I can listen to my inner voice and it helps me to let the words flow as I am writing, it has to be a skill but it is a good way to get the essay started.  It allows the mind to do start the process of writing a good essay.  When we do this we allow words to flow and it can be a very relaxing and enjoyable way to at least start the process.  It however can also be very inconvenient at times when you have to type a essay in class.  I’ve found this still works really well and allows my thoughts to be put onto the screen.
Start a diary
Self talk is necessary for creating that inner voice.  If you haven’t started this it might be helpful when it comes to writing essays.  This allows trains your mind into allowing your thoughts to be put onto paper or screen.  I originally started my blog as a way to be a diary.  However, lately, I have used it for much more than that. I can share my experiences and my thoughts on a subject with much more vigor.  I love to share my opinions and hear what my audience has to say about the subject.  When I write on my blog I am free and I can express my thoughts and desires in ways I never knew I could when I was young.
Start a blog
We’ve all have our own passions and that can be anything in life.  I dare not even try to imagine what people are passionate about.  I do however find that when you’re passionate about something, people around you also will be encouraged. There are three good blogging sites out there that are free to use and you can start writing and trying to get out of your comfort zone.  These sites are:
- WordPress (Links to an external site.)
- Blogger (Links to an external site.)
- Wix (Links to an external site.)
All of these are free for those who might want to try their hand at blogging.  I know there are even more but these are just a few that I’d suggest.  Personally I use WordPress and have loved it since the day I started using it but that is just me.
Our inner voice
It can’t be said that no one has an inner voice.  It’s there we just have to learn to listen for it and bring it out.  Once you find your inner voice, you just might be amazed at how much it has to say.  There are days I am sure that my inner just be quiet.  Then I started blogging or writing and it calms my inner voice right down.  I find that i do way better with writing then I used to because of my inner voice.  It’s a part of me and it drives me.  It helps me to get through those essays that we will always have in our college classes.  Have you heard your inner voice? Is it a narrative? is it augmentative? or maybe it’s analytical?  Once you learn to harness your inner voice, those essays will come even easier than before.