The Art of Blogging — mkhmarketing (
Why I blog!
When I started blogging in the 2007, I never really got the idea of what a blog is and what it was designed for. For that matter, I didn’t even understand the dynamics of how to keep my blog writing. The idea of researching, and working my blog was as foreign as to me as dating. I haven’t dated very much in the past and I know that being nervous is something you have to expect. It’s like the body is preparing for a fight or flight, when you have nothing to worry about. Blogging is something that is an outlet for me. It’s like a pressure valve that I can release steam if I am under to much pressure.
Journaling and my Thoughts!
Since I can ever imagine, I’ve been one of the ones to love to journal and put my thoughts on the page. It is something that not everyone can do or even accept. Some people think that doing a blog is making yourself more public. I tend to agree on the stance that once you start blogging your becoming a public figure. It isn’t something that people can comprehend but it is something that must be accepted. Acceptance is something that is required by everyone, because if you can’t accept that. Firstly, people will be looking at your blog post in detail and judging you on the merits of the blog posts. This can be very frustrating to some, and others like me simply smile and keep blogging.
Some useful Insights!
Since I having been blogging for over 7 years, I would of thought I would give you some valuable insights on blogging! Each of these isn’t set in stone but can be a valuable tool and reference to keep people coming back to your blog!
Nothing Set in Stone — Even though your starting to blog you have the right to change or move your blog to anyplace you see fit. That being said, if you do not learn from how your visitors feel about a certain setup of your blog. You’ll know based on how they do not stay long or amount of people who come in the first place!
Find your Niche — Even though it seems like a constant reminder, it isn’t something that you need to figure out. If you do not, you will have people come and go without actually having people stay and want to build a community! Like Me, My niche is basically Cell Phones, and Android Operating systems. Anything to do with Google Android is what I like to talk about it in one way or form!
Add personality — If you you aren’t going to be warm and inviting for each reader that comes to your site, then your wasting their time and yours. They want that connection that drew them to your site in the first place. If anything you should welcome them in one way or other to your site and make it so they want to keep coming back. It takes 7 times before a reader decides to stay or go, so you have 7 times to make it inviting and create an community.
Build upon stories — I’ve done this in this post and others, talking my experiences and adding personality. Guest of every nationality like to hear stories and just about anything that revolves around the niche you trying to build upon. So I am sure you have stories that can be used with your blog idea if you just stop and relax!
Money isn’t everything — When I first started blogging, and I knew it was going to be hard to instantly start making money. So I just put the idea to the side. I developed the community and my niche first and then you can start learning to make money around your niche. You should not expect to make any money in the first year if that. I think that is a good rounded answer. It just depends on how hard you work on your blog and how many readers you get to come to your site. Keep in mind that what you promote should be something you believe in and not what others believe in. If you take a personal responsibility on that, you have a much greater chance of making money. Don’t expect it to come over night that is for sure!
If you follow these 5 tips, your be more happier and bring in even more readers and followers to your blog. Nothing comes without hard work and understanding of the people or things that you talk about. So if you put your heart into your blog, you can bet it will be a success no matter the real outcome!