Even More Tips and Tricks for the ZTE AWE!

It’s that Time again!

I’ve had several people say they liked some of my tips for the Zte AWE and asked me for more.   So I thought we should do another quick segment for those who just can’t wait to long!  Some of these tips are great for people who use Virgin Mobile so it will probably work for most to all Virgin Mobile US smart phones!

Tip #4  Airplane Mode is your Friend!

Unlock Phone —> PRESS and HOLD power button for 2 seconds —> Airplane Mode


On Main Screen —> Press the Three Bars —> System Settings —> Airplane Mode

I’ve had those time when You need to just turn on airplane mode to help conserve battery power.   You really don’t know how much battery power is used when your cell phone gets very little signal in an area.   It uses more battery power to keep that connection with the cell tower.   So it is best just to turn off the signal, until you get to a better reception area.   It might be important for your to keep it on but it isn’t life threatening for me! It is also quite useful to turn on airplane mode when your charging your phone.   I found this tip out somewhere else on the internet but it is a really good tip.   It charges my phone faster.   So it works really well when your in a hurry to quickly charge your phone.

Tip #5 Turn off Connections Optimizer

Main Screen —> Three Bars —> System Settings —> Mobile Networks —>   Connections Optimizer —>  Uncheck Connections Optimizer

I’ve had so much bad experiences with this little Virgin Mobile US and Sprint Network extra that I suspect this is a way for them to have to worry about us using to much of their data networks and hoping we use our own way to keep from using theirs.   I also have noticed this will speed up the reduction of my battery power a little and thus I just disable it from the get go.   I don’t even worry about it because it just worries me about privacy issues and I will not tolerate my privacy be abused.

Tip #6  Tell Google to Do Not Track you!

When you setup your phone this seems to be something Google does to help make the ads more likely to be clicked by you and it is what they call interest-based ads, but are being tracked by Google and 3rd party partner apps.   So I always turn this off when ever I get a Phone with Ice Cream Sandwich or Above (4.0 +).   It is a new feature that they have been adding to their operating systems that I just do not like and thus I turn it off.
Main Screen —> Three Bars —> Google —> Ads
You will need to Opt out of the Interested-Based Ads by checking the little check mark.   I do not understand why this should be an opt instead of a opt out.   I am not pleased with Google over this little idea of opting everyone in instead of being automatically being opted out.   This should be the first thing that comes up when you start using your new phone.     You should also generate a new random ID that way the advertisers can’t keep tracking your old id and you privacy is being protected.

Main Screen —> Three Bars —> Google —> Search —> Accounts & Privacy

Another area where I protect my privacy is by turning off commute sharing, Web History and also tell Google to do not keep my web history in their system.  I also turn of personal Results because they have to keep track of your information to make it relevant to you and thus somewhere some how, something is keeping records and thus I tell Google I do not want to be recorded.

On a side note, If your using Google Now this will not affect you but if your not then you can Turn off Google Now easily by going to the search settings and turning it off.   It is the first thing you see when you get into the search menu and this will help you protect your privacy.   I use Google Now but I use it with limits that I set by doing those two things whenever I get a new phone.