It’s a Mastercard with NO Fees! But not very useful!
Got my Google Wallet Card!
Wasn’t really that impressed with it. I was hoping the Google Wallet card had a NFC chip in it but that was really not the case. It comes with as a way to load money through your Google app or through the website. There is no way to deposit money from a Adsense or for that matter from job. You have to use another credit card to transfer money on to this card. It seems redundant and not very well received around the tech community. Even Android Police was thinking it was going to have an NFC Chip in it, but the functionality of this card was to me a lot under whelming. It has so much to be desired for.
Possibilities are endless!
The Possibilities for this card are endless if you step outside of the box. You could put it in a museum and see if anyone can guess card number by looking just on the front of the card, and not the back. You could give out a full 20$ if someone figures out all the required information to use the card.
Other than that, here are what I see you can do with this card. If you don’t have a NFC device and that is like 85% or more devices who don’t use NFC than you can at least use this as a way to make payments to a shop that accepts credit cards. It however has that possibility.
Online Purchases!
If your planning to use this for online purchases it. I haven’t tried this but can’t see any reason why it wouldn’t work. Just turn the card over and use the back 16 numbers that are on the card, they are divided into 4×4 sections ( EXAMPLE: 1234 1234 1234 1234 ). You would use all those numbers as your credit card number and then you will need the 3 digit code that should be right beside where you sign your card. It was the number you needed to verify you got the card. Then you would be all set to use your new Google Wallet card online. Again you can try this yourself but I don’t see any reasons why it wouldn’t work!
Other than that, you really don’t have much else you can do with this card. So much for it standing out and creating even more buzz. If this service survives it will need to be more useful in the future. I guess you could say this is still in beta but I am not impressed with it and disappointed with the product myself!