The Long Road home, and When things go wrong! (A Short story)


The long Road Home!

It was a dark and stormy night and nothing in the world could stop the downpour. The rain came down as if the heavens opened up and started crying.   You couldn’t see a foot in front of you and not even the head lights could help.   You wonder if your going the right way or if took the wrong road.   This long winding road just seems to unfamiliar and and a little spookie.   You pas by farm houses and see only a flicker of light from a few of them.   You check your watch and it says it is 9:00 o’clock PM.   It seems kind of odd that all these houses would be dark.   Your gas gauge is reading empty and you will need to get more gas.  You come to a gas station and you pull in to the next available gas pump.   You hear “ching … ching… ching” as your car stops.  

As you wait, you hear foot steps coming closer and you look to see who it was.  You hear a “BOOM” from the storm, it makes you jump and ask  “Who are you?”   He replies, “The gas attendant, sir.  You can call me Bob!”.   “Sorry Bob, it seems I been feeling on edge.  Please fill my car up with regular unleaded.” I said to the attendant.   He says, “certaintly sir, and no problem, this country side can do that to some people.”

The story and you!

So as you can see this is where I left the story and I have been thinking something else should go wrong after that but my brain coulnd’t come up with it.   I am asking my readers what it should be and what you think of this short story so far.   Should I make the driving more exciting or should I make the driving more longer.   You will help me develop this story and hopefully we can have a little fun with this story.  I’d love to hear your comments and suggestions.