My Acer 200
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I have been asked by one or two people how is the best way to change my IP. The first questions that I always ask is:
“Do you mean your internal IP or external IP?”
I ask that question all the time because I know better than most that you have an internal ip that the world can’t see and is often called the Private Network IP.
If you are just wanting to change your private IP to another IP, you can simply do that by going into your tablet. You can see how by checking out my how to change the DNS on an Acer 200 / 500 tablet. Instead of changing the DNS, you will want to change the IP. Not much else you have to do to change your Private IP.
Public IP!
Now if we are talking about how other web sites see you or your geolocation data. You will need to invest in something like VPN4ALL, which is a sponsor. You can see my review of VPN4ALL and decide for yourself.. Although, I have talked about some free alternatives. They can do what you want but if your like me and you see the downfall of having something free. I sometimes like to watch the show “Doctor Who”, having been a fan for many years and loving the science fiction series. I sometimes want to watch it as it happens or as soon as I can. So I use this little service to stream the show to my desktop or tablet and I don’t have to wait for the shows to show up on Google Play store. Although, I will buy them from their anyways just to help pay for the show. I sometimes just don’t have the time to wait for it to come to video on demand.
They give you plenty of speed to stream your movies or shows from other parts of the world. I can’t say much more than that. It is entirely up to how you use it that will depend on how it works for you.
Thanks for the post….I followed your tips and changed the Public IP in my Android device…which I confirmed through