My Plans for my Next Phone!

Log fall

Water logged Phone, Needs Replace!

After many long months with the HTC inspire 4G, I’ve pretty much decided that is probably time to get a new phone.  I’ve had many great success with the phone and I like it very much, so I’m not about to leave the HTC phone maker [Affiliate Link].  I’ve had many times of finding that right phone, and I’ve even shared how I do find phones.  It just means I not going to buy a new phone, because buying a new phone is way to expensive for my taste.  I however know what I’m interested in and I’ll be sharing them with you.   I’m more interested in what people think of these phones and if they how they work than anything else but I will also be sharing how to use them with Straight Talk over, once I buy one of these phones.

As you can see I’m really thinking about this and how I can best make my choice.   I am open to the possibilities of getting a phone in the next few weeks and you can help me decide which one you want me to work with in reguards to unlocking it for Straight Talk.  Just leave a comment and tell me what you think and which ones you like yourself.  

Paul Sylvester

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