Scareware Site — Internet Antivirus Pro

I was checking out the site and this came up:

Internet Antivirus Pro

As you can see this try to scare you into doing two things.  It tries to Mimic the look of your hard drive and also tries to get you to download a program.  The Program is called Install.exe.  Downloading this file causes AVG and Windows Defender to Pop up with the Warning:

Internet Antivirus Pro1

As you can see this isn’t a good program to install and if you have then I recommend you doing a full system scan and removing this Trojan which I am sure has also installed other Malware like a botnet or something along that lines. Your Privacy isn’t safe on that computer so you should do these things as soon as possible.

Threat to System : Severe


Advice : Do a Complete system scan and Remove this Trojan and any others that have been installed.

I recommend :

Do a Full System with One of these Free Antivirus Software:
