If you are a returning visitor to my site you may notice that Adblock Plus isn’t blocking my advertising.
Let me start off saying I use Adblock Plus and enjoy it when it comes to those Annoying Pop ups and Pop unders that happens when you visit sites that aren’t that bright. Even those annoying ads that come and speak to you saying you have won something.  These types of ads I am so glad to block.
When it comes to my site, I have worked hard on creating this content and it will help me pay for the server and domain name.  I fully understand why people want to block ads but on the flip side I also know about how they can help support a site.
Often times, I turn Adblock Plus off for places like HULU to make sure they stay free.  This is one way I can support having free shows is watching ads because there might be something I could be interested in.  This is how I show respect for advertising publishers.
I know how hard these places have worked to get people to use there service and respect the idea of having the service paying for it through ads.
I have learned how to prevent Adblock Plus from blocking my site and I intent to keep doing it.   As you know these ad blocking programs tend to break the site from showing properly.  This is one reason I decided I should bypass Adblock Plus and I will be doing more later on to tweak it.  I however won’t be doing those annoying ads on my site, that is just tactless, in my eyes. These ads will not be POP UP or POP UNDERS. They will not be to flashy and annoying, but they will be there.
I ask if you like a product on my site to buy it to show your support, this will keep the site running.  I hope you understand, and thank you for your patronage.