VirusList released information about the[intlink id=”3655″ type=”post”] Justse.Ru Video[/intlink] that people were being warned about last weekend.
It seems that it wasn’t a Cross Site Scripting but an PDF exploit that was [intlink id=”3114″ type=”post”]used to install Scareware[/intlink] but Virus List says it as a Fraudware.
[ad]It looks like they were trying to get people to buy [intlink id=”3607″ type=”post”]fake Antivirus[/intlink] software called “System Security”.   It looks like there was a silent download of the PDF and it tried various exploits to get this software installed.
Virus Total has stated that this looks to be the first time, in which one criminal group is looking at making money off of twitter and Facebook.  This could be the beginning of the onslaught of these types of things to continue in the next few months to years.
That is why it is so important to have an [intlink id=”2205″ type=”page”]Anti-virus software and a good firewall[/intlink] to prevent this sort of thing from happening. It is important to note to all who have a twitter account that you will need to start being more cautious when it comes to videos being put on twitter. You May never see another video virus like this or you could see a dozen in one day it depends on how people react to this and try to prevent it in the future.  If you think you have the scareware installed that is System Security.  I have found the Removal instrtuctions for people who want to get it off your system.