As of Today I am making all RSS feeds go to Feedburner, so if you are having trouble by all means drop me a line. I am using FD Feedburner Plugin for WordPress, so I don’t know how well this will work.  I just wanted to keep up to date on the amount of people actually viewing my feed.
In order for this to work though I had to publish a post. According to FD Feedburner Plugin Support site they say:
Known Issue
After you configure your feed, due to caching it probably won’t redirect to Feedburner until you make a new post.
So if you have problems after this post let me know and we will address them if you want to subscribe to the feedburner feed that will help prevent some of the problems.
*Update 6/12/09 9:00 pm*
I had to redirect with the .htaccess to actually do it.  So from now on every Feed will go to Feedreader. So now it is fixed for permantly and should not change anything to the feed in anyway, this was just a statistical need for me to know how many people are actually subscribed to my feed.  Still if there is a problem let me know!!